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The market place, the most boring place in the village, in Johnny's point of view. It was loud, annoying and full of thieves. "Why did I have to come?" Johnny complained to his mother.
"Because, I could use the company, plus you need to get out more." His mother replied.
"Then, why not take Netty. I'm sure she'll love this. She's a girl after all." His mother shook her head, picking up some fruit and paying the sells man

"Because, Netty is being tutored today, remember?"
Oh yeah, he nearly forgot. How he could forget about Ms. Calibum the villages elder. She tutors any young girl and then turns them into a lady. Johnny rolled his eyes. He hated this. He crossed his arms in protest. His wandered around until the stopped on a young girl walking in the market with her mother. She had beautiful blonde hair with emerald eyes. She looked bored, he decided.

She turned her head toward him, noticing him staring. She smiled sweetly at him and then tripped over her feet, whiched desevered a snipped at her mother.
"Watch you step Elmore!" Her mother snapped, "A lady doesn't trip."
'Looks like everyone getting a lady lesson.' He thought.
After that she never looked back at him. Johnny went on his way, without looking where he was going, he bumped into a man. He  was plumb and huge, muscles and veins shown.
"Hey, watch where going kid." He voice was huge and threatening.
"S-sorry." Johnny said and hurried after his mother.

When they got home, they walked into the kitchen where Ms. Calibum and Netty were sitting at the table. "-a lady sits up straight girl, she never slouches." Calibum said. Then her eyes landed on Jane and Johnny. "Oh, Mrs. Winderson, you're home early."
"Oh yes, sorry. Didn't have much on my list," Jane said. "But please do continue, I don't wish to disturb you." Ms. Calibum nodded in approval.
"Alright Netty dear back to our lesson," She said, and Netty rolled her eyes. "A lady does not roll her eyes." While Ms. Calibum was talking, Johnny stood behind her mocking every word she said. Netty couldn't but smile. "What are you smiling at girl? This serious!" Ms. Calibum ask. Then she turned just in time to see Johnny. "Aha! So you wanna mock me, huh? Well I'll tech you." Calibum got up, and grabbed Johnny by the ear.

"Ah!" He screamed. She pulled him out of the kitchen, down the hall and threw him into his room.
"That should teach  you for mocking me." She said, swept out of the room. "This lesson is done. Until you can teach that son of yours some manners, your daughter will never be a woman and never be married, because of her hooligan of a brother. Fix it." She hisseds to his mother.
"I'll make sure to inform his father on that, Ms. Calibum." Jane apologized.
"You better. His father will sure fix him." With that Ms. Calibum left the house, slamming the door shut.

His mother walked into his room. "Please for once in your life, behave. Your going to destroy your future, not counting your sister's if you don't behave." His mother said strenly but softly. "I will inform your father about this," her eyes fell. "Please for the sake of the family. I was lucky enough to get your father. No one want to marry a woman who wants to create a bakery. I was lucky that your father had marry me for that, and here I am. I got my bakery. I love you Johnny. I only want what's best for you, for Netty." Then she left. Johnny sat on his bed, head down, hands folded.

The next day, Johnny and his father went near the woods. "Now, I think a good hunting lesson will teach you to be a man. A woman goes for a man who protects and provides for their family." His father said, shoving a sword at his son, who stubbled and dropped it with a clank. "Pick it up and get into your ready stance." Obeying his father he picked the sword up and got into stance.

Without warning his father charged at him. Out of instinct, Johnny blocked the swing of the sword. "Good!" His father said, though it didn't sound like a happy 'good'. He swung again, and this time they fought. Left, right, right, left and then- clank. Johmny's sword flew out his hands.
"Alright, that was good, we'll practice more on that later. Now I'll teach you how to shoot a bow." His father said putting his and Johnny's sword away and brought out a bow. He quickly showed him how to use. "Now, shoot that tree." His father pointed to a tree that had a target on it.

Johnny gulp, putting the arrow in the string and pulling back. He concentrate on the target then, he lost his focus and strength as he released the arrow, but instead of going straight it went up. They watch as it went into the woods.
"Dammit! Johnny!" He father bellowed. "Go and get it!"
"But Papa I don't know where it went." Johnny said.
"I don't care. Those aren't cheep. Now do as I say and get my arrow back." He grabbed Johnny by the back of the neck and pushed him toward the forest.

Johnny walked into the creepy woods. This was the first time he's ever been in it, well by himself, that is. He no had idea where the arrow could have landed. He knew that his father will never allow him to return until he had that simple arrow. He wrapped his arms around him, with the treetops covering the sun the forest floors were cold. Without paying any close attention, Johnny lost his footing as he tripped over a fallen tree log and tumbled down a hill. He heard branches and leafs crack as he fell, or was that every bone in his body breaking?

He opened his eyes once he had stopped tumbling and his head wasn't spinning. He sat up, then went to stand. He let out a cry of pain as he did and fell back down. He looked at his right ankle, it was purplish, bluish and swollen. He couldn't move. He whimpered in pain. Great. Is this where he going to die? Alone? In the middle of the woods? Make it quick. He thought. He closed his eyes and leaned back.

He reopened his eyes and stared straight ahead. And to his luck there it was. That stupid arrow that had gotten him into this trouble in the first place. It was stuck on a half tree, and on the bottom of the half broken tree, was an egg. A dragon egg.

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