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Serval Years Later

The sound of swords clashing could be heard around the mountain, and there you could see Johnny and Willy practicing their sword fighting. Willy brought her sword down upon Johnny's. Johnny struggled to keep his balance, he leaned back and soon he lost his footing and fell. Back against the ground he faced Willy's sword. "I win." She announced, a smile played on her lips. "Let me see.... That's what, nine to... What three?" Her smile grew wider.

"Yeah, yeah." Johnny said, eyes never leaving the point of her sword. "You going to get that sword out of my face or not?" Laughing, Willy sheathed her sword and gave Johnny her hand. Pulling him up with a little bit too much force they came nose to nose. Johnny stared at her perfect blue eyes, as she stared at his green ones. Johnny would have been tempted to kiss her, but decided it wasn't a good idea. He cleared his throat and glaced down at his hand that still held hers. "I would like to have my hand back, if you don't mind." Johnny said.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." She released his hand and picked up Johnny's sword that fell to ground when he did. "Your sword," she said just a little bit embarrassed.

"Thanks." Johnny took his sword and sheathed it.

"Well, I better get going. I got chores to do, uh, keep up the good work. Maybe you'll beat me next time, huh?" Her sweet smiled played on her face again. Johnny nodded, unsure what to say. He let Willy past and once she disapeared into a tunnel, he went over to join Moonnight.

Moonnight watched as her rider came to join her. She had seen it all, and a small smile sprayed on her face. Johnny sat down, leaning against Moonnight's warm stomach. "I saw that," she said.

"Saw what?" Johnny ask.

"What happened between you and Miss Willy." Johnny snorted.

"You mean by the why she kicked my butt. Yeah, I bet everyone in moutains saw that." He rolled his eyes.

"No, that's not I mean. Yes, I did see that, but the other thing." Johnny raised an eyebrow at her. "You like her." Johnny nearly choked on his on breath.

"What?" He coughed. Moonnight chuckled.

"Oh please, don't think I don't know when my rider is in love." Johnny just shook his head.

"No, no. That's not true." Moonnight steady her gaze on the evening sun.

"We'll shall see."


Johnny stood on top of the mountains, leaning against the balcony. His eyes watching as the the sun began to set behind the Eon River. The water glimmered as the sun reflected off it. And for once in several years, Johnny began to think about his home, his family. His father's last words to him still fresh in his memory. His sister calling him to come back, his mother begging his father to reconsider. He dipped his head between his arms, his long hair dangling, his eyes now looking at his muddy boots.

He closes his eyes. Deep in thought. He heard soft footsteps come near him. Johnny never bothered to see who it was. At this moment he really didn't care. He flinch when he felt a soft hand on his back. Opening his eyes, he saw Willy. Her head was upside down staring at him. Her hair on edge, Johnny smiled. She almost looked like a troll from his storied his mother used to tell him.

"Moonnight said I'll find you up here." She smiled, and was the most beautiful thing Johnny had ever seen. Even though it was upside down. Johnny lifted his head and smiled back at her.

"Well I don't get to go anywhere unless Moonnight knew where I was going." Johnny replied, and Willy laughed. She shifted her gaze at the setting sun.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She said, wrapping her arms through the opening between Johnny's arm and body. She rest her head on his shoulder. Johnny also watched the sun and nodded.

"They say when the sun set, it tells you something," Johnny said. "It tells you, 'forgot the events of today, and began a new day tomorrow.'" Johnny felt Willy's smile fade.

"And sometimes its hard to forget the past," she said sadly. "Sometimes its hard to forgot the ones you love betray you." Johnny glanced at Willy. Her eyes were sad, they never left the sun.

"What happened?" Johnny ask.

"My family loved me as a child. They took care of me, feed me, put a roof over my head, said good night and good morning. They never did once fear or hated me. But when I was eleven, I got my sorcerer powers. I began to show off to my siblings, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. But my parents feared me. They thought I was a monster...." She paused for a breath, it was shakily. She continued. "..... They turned me in to the king's guards and had me sent away. My parents never even gave it a second thought. Their own daughter. Then, on my way to my death, the guards were attacked by other people like me. They told me to follow them if I wanted to live. So I did. And I've been here ever since."

Johnny remained quiet. He felt her pain. "Then that makes two of us, huh?" Johnny said. She raised an eyebrow at him. "I was ten when I got Moonnight, and I kept her a secret. Hid her in the woods. Five years later, my father followed me into the woods and founds out about her. He had a heart attack and nearly died. I brought him home and we called a healer. My father lived. But he cursed at me and called me a traitor and a disgrace to the family. So I grabbed my stuff, and got out of there. So here I am."

Johnny felt Willy hug him tight. He faced her. Her face darkening from the setting sun. He brushed a strand of her from her eyes and gently wiped away a tear that slid down her cheek. She leaned into his hand for comfort. As she did Johnny felt something he never felt before. He leaned forward and kissed her perfect lips. To his surprise she kissed back.

That moment was soon over when they heard someone yell from the mountains, "Intruders! Intruder alert! Battle stations!" Johnny and Willy gazed out into the fields, and sure enough a whole army of the king's men were out there.

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