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Walking through the village markets, Johnny saw a lot of stuff. Suffering, for one. And people on the streets begging for food and money. Johnny did his best to stay away from them. He had his mind set on other things and that was to get everything his mother told him to get for a new recipe that she is making. All of a sudden Johnny bumped into someone, making that person spill all of her things from her basket. "Oh, jeez." Johnny said, as he helped the women pick up her stuff. "I am so sorry. I was just in rush. I didn't see you there Miss."
The woman pulled back her hood, revealing beautiful long red hair, and green eyes. "Oh, don't worry about it. Everyone has their mistakes in life." She said sweetly, and smiled at Johnny. "So what's the rush? Trying to met a young girl?"
Johnny laughed and shook his head.

"No, ma'am. I was just trying to grab some supplies for one of my mother's pies recipe. You should come and try some pie some time, if you hadn't already. It's down the street from here." Johnny said. "I'm Johnny, by the way." He extended his hand out.
"Sheila," She said and shook his hand. She gazed at him, for a moment, her eyes focus on his. Then, after a long awkward minute she dropped her gaze. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Johnny. But I must be on my way." As she went to put up her hood, Johnny noticed a dagger strap at her waist. Noticing his gaze she smiled. "A girl, has to have some type of protection, doesn't she?" It was more of a statement than a question.
"Uh, yes. Sorry." Johnny apologized. "It was nice meeting you too Shelia. I hope we'll meet again." She looked at him, her green eyes almost glowing from under her hood.

"Maybe, sometime in the future." Was all she said. "Good, day." Then she was gone. Vanished within the crowd.

Once Johnny finished getting his material, he made his back home. "Home!" He called, placing the basket on the table, and took off his cloak.
"Oh, good!" His mother said as she entered the kitchen. "I was wandering if you were ever going to return." She laughed, and Johnny joined in.
"Well, Ma. It's kinda hard to find peaches in the market," He said as he empty out the basket. "So, what kind of pie are you making this time?" His mother looked around, and beckoned her son to come closer. Then, she whispered in his ear, "Peach pie."
Johnny's eyes widen.
"If that doesn't sound good, then I don't what does." Johnny said.
His mother laughed once again. "Now, don't go telling anyone else. It's susposed to a secret for your father's birthday, remember?"

"I could I forget?" Johnny replied. "But, I'll be back, there's something I gotta do."
His mother sighed and shooed him. "Fine, fine. You better be home before dinner though." She warned him. Johnny only smiled, and left the house, heading toward the woods.
He past his father, who was heading home, after a long day at work.
"Where's that boy going to now?" He ask his wife, as he entered the house.
"How should I know, Sean?" She said. "That boy is a mystery to us all."
"Yeah, but what's so special about the woods?"
She just shrugged, and continued to bake.
"Fine, since you won't tell me, I'll just go follow the boy myself." He said and began to exit the house.
"Sean, don't," His wife said. "He's just a boy. Exploring the world."
"Jane," He said firmly. "You need to quit babying the boy, and let him become a man. And if, Johnny is doing something that goes against the king's rule. Then I'm going to figure out what."
"Sean..." Jane began to said, but her husband was out the door before she could finish.

Johnny made his way through the woods, unaware that he was beening followed. When he made it to where Moonnight laid, she wasn't there. Johnny only guessed that she went out hunting.
"Great," He muttered. "And just when I needed her the most." But he didn't mind. A dragons gotta eat. Just then, he heard a twig snapped behind him. He quickly grabbed his dagger, ready for whatever was out there. But as soon as he realized who it was, he frozed. "Father?" He stumbled, and quickly put his dagger away.
"What are you doing out here?" This wasn't good. If Moonnight were to return from her hunting....

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