2.go back

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Gon's P.O.V
I wake up to a pillow and a slight trail of saliva coming from my mouth onto the pillow, yikes.... I slowly drag myself out of my bed and slowly put my clothes on and practically throw myself down the stairs from how exhausted I was. Mito-San tells me that breakfast will be ready in about an hour so I head out to the forest where me, Killua and Alluka were sitting, I hate to say this but.... Sometimes I feel as though Alluka is taking Killua away from me... Geez, what am I saying? They're siblings! Of course they love each other! I just didn't expect him to go with her... I pick up the flower crowns that had remained untouched since yesterday... Thinking of Killua I begin to feel depressed from this island lacking his presence... I could call him but, I miss his touch... His embrace.... His warmth and the feeling of him being close... I gently place the flower crown, leaning against the trunk of the tree and slowly walk to the closest coast. Killua always said how he loved the moonlight and how it shone against the crystal water... I pick up a stone and throw it pretty softly and watch it skip against the water, creating smooth, silky ripples in the deep royal blue ocean. I begin to stare off without realizing it had been more than an hour and then jolt up, remembering that Mito-San would be pretty upset if I was really late for breakfast. I run home as fast as my current mood was dictating my brain to make me move, when I get to the door I see Mito-San with her hands on her hips with a pretty unimpressed look in her face.

A-Ah, I'm sorry Mito-San! I just lost track of time!

It's "fine", just make sure you're not late again or there WILL be consequences!


I rush into the house and take off my boots and sit next to me grandmother who was already 3/4 done her breakfast.

Oh my Gon, you're awfully late and pale. Are you alright?

Y-yes Grandmother, I just had a lot stuck on my mind at the moment..

Ah, just like Mito, except she would just go to the woods and cry for hours about it ohoho!


I finish my breakfast and head up to my room since I don't think I'd be allowed to go outside since Mito-San was already pretty cross with me... Just as I'm about to slam myself on the bed I remember about the picture frame I left on my bed and tried to move where I was going to land and instead landed on the bed frame and then flopped off onto the floor with a new bruise on my right shoulder blade... Phew, at least I got to save the picture.. I slowly get up and take a slow seat on my rug. Killua's right... I am a pretty big idiot huh... Maybe I could call him and ask for a meet up? No.... He'll think I'm too clingy and creepy for wanting to hang out with him right after we said goodbye only yesterday... This is normal.. Right? What should I do?
1.call Killua
2.go meet him myself

(A/N: one of these options leads to slight gore so... Yea XD. You pick and chose! I won't say which chapter though ;3)

Killugon (multiple path choice)Where stories live. Discover now