chapter 6

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Mia's P.O.V.

As I'm picking out clothes to try on, Liam walks in and looks at me really strangely. Maybe it's because i'm dancing around Hollister, or maybe it's because of the shitload of clothes I have in my hands.

"What are you doing?" Liam asks me

"What, haven't you ever seen a crazy girl dancing around Hollister with a lot of clothes in her arms?" I ask 

"Have you ever seen a 7 foot tall purple bunny jumping off a bridge?" Liam asks me as if it's the most casual thing in the world

" Ok, you win" I say, defeated. "So, what are the others doing?"

"Just eating" Liam replies

"Weren't the doors locked?" I ask

"Yeah, but Kristina got bobby pins and they're unlocking them."

"How do you know they managed to unlock them?"

"I'm just guessing. It can't be that hard."

"You clearly don't know these people, Bella thought a compass was a clock, Kiki under baked a cake, Megan does a whale's mating call and Marissa is just crazy" I say

"Nice friends you've got there" He says

"Oh yeah, they can't get better than that." I reply

"So, do you wanna try those clothes on?" He asks me

"Only if you do too. I don't want to be the only one trying on clothes" I say

"Fine, but, under one condition"


"We walk through the store like models" He says

"Are you serious? I've always wanted to do that!" I shout

"Seriously? I thought I'd be the only crazy person to do that" He says while laughing

"Ok. Lets go change, and come out at the same time"


5 minutes later, I was wearing a blue and white polka dotted dress.

"When on three, come out" Liam shouts

"Okay 1" I say


"3" We both say together

I walk out, and he's wearing a white t-shirt, blue hoodie,and dark skinny jeans. He looks so hot.

"Wow, you look beautiful" He says

"Thanks, you don't look half bad yourself Mr. Payne" I say and giggle

"Now, you walk down the middle isle of the store, and I'll watch"

"Ok, but don't laugh. I don't know how do do a model walk" I say

"Don't worry, neither do I" He says

"Good, because if you did, it would be a little creepy" I say while laughing

I go up and start walking down the isle. I bet I look horrible, but who cares? Not me! By the time I get to where Liam is, we're both in hysterics, literally holding onto each other to that we don't fall. After we calm down, Liam goes up.

"STRUT YOUR STUFF GIRL!" I yell to him

He puts a gay smile on his face and starts walking down like a girl. The, he takes his hoodie off and slings it over his shoulder. After he finishes, we both collapse in laughter. Then, I hear somebody else laughing.

"Who's there?" I ask then hear somebody burst out laughing "Oh, hey Kiki!"

"How did you know it was me?" She asks

"You're the only one who would bursts out laughing in dead silence" I reply

"Correction, only her and Niall" Louis says

"Wow, you and Niall have so many things in common" Mia says

"It's almost as if you were meant to be" Leah says

Everyone was quiet for 5 minutes.

"So, what were you and Liam doing?" Kiki asks me

"Umm... fashion show" I say casually

"Ok follow up question, what kind of drugs are you using? You're crazy" She says

"Come on, haven't you ever wanted to do that? Now's our chance" I say

"Fine, lets have a fashion show" Marissa says

"Wait, No. You're gonna make a mess." Ashley says

"So, well get someone to clean it up" Louis says

"What about the food? We'll need to pay for that too" Ashley argues

"Babe, we're rich. We could buy this place if we wanted to." Harry says

"Fine then, have your fashion show, but I'm not participating." She says

"Fine, you don't know what you're missing out on" Mia says

"Trust me, I won't regret it." She says

Ashley's P.O.V.

They're gonna have a fashion show. In Hollister. While we're stuck in a mall. OH MY GOSH! I'll be happy if I make it out alive if I have to be with these people the whole time.

They're running through the whole store. Somebody's going to get hurt. I'll just ignore them, and hope for the best.

Why am I even here with these crazy people? I should have just booked it when they tried to take me into the closet.

What will I tell my parents? Will they believe me if I told them the truth?

What will I do?



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