Mia's P.O.V.
After we hid, Liam started complaining that he wanted to go hide in the shoe store.
"Lets go hide in the shoe store" Liam begs
"No" I protest
"Why?" He asks
"Because we are already here" I say
"Fine!" I give in
We walk over to the shoe store, and Liam runs in.
"What are you doing?" I ask
"Running into a store" He says
"Is there a reason?"
"I wanna model shoes" He replies
"You are a guy, right?" I ask
"Are you making fun of me?"
"Answer my question" I say
"Just making sure" I say as I walk in after him
He runs over to the high heels and puts on a pair of studed rainbow leopard print ones
"How do I look?" He asks
"Umm stylish" I say
"Thanks" He says and starts walking around
"Watch out or you're gonna fall" I say just as he falls
"Oww" He says
"I told you" I say knowingly
"I told you" Liam mimicks me
I walk over and put on a pair of converse
"These are the best shoes ever" I say
"No these are" He says as he puts on a pair of nikes
"Converse rule" I say
"You know what? Everybody has their own opinion. I chose nikes, you chose converse" Liam tries to make peace "Its just that your opinion is wrong" Liam whispers
"What did you say?" I ask
"YOU LOSER!!" I scream "I HEARD YOU!"
"Fine" He admits
"Not so innocent now, huh?" I ask
"I never was" He says
"I hear someone coming!" I say
"Hide!" Liam shouts at me
"Over there!" Liam says pointing to the coumter
"Behind the counter?" I ask
"Yes! Go!" He shouts while grabbing my hand and running to the counter
Leah's P.O.V.
The bell rings and we hear somebody moving
"Stay quiet" I hear Harry say
Then, he grabs my arm and drags me to the elevator. As Harry's running, he trips over a box and pushes it. The box trips Kristina and she falls onto Niall
"Sorry 'bout that" Harry says and runs in
"Where do we go now?" I ask
"Lets go upstairs" He says and presses the button
When the elevator gets to the top, we run out and start walking around. Then, we hear laughing, and run over to where we hear the sound.
"Who is it?" I ask
"I dont know, lets get closer" Harry says
We walk around a corner and see Mia and Liam
"GET THEM!" I scream and run to them just as they jump over the counter
"Not today bitch" Mia says and sprays me
"I got Leah" She says
"I got Harry" Liam screams
"Noooo" I scream
"YEAHHH!!!" Mia and Liam shout and high five
"Where do we go now?" Harry asks
"To the meeting spot, I think" Liam says
"Ok" I say "And by the way, I WILL get my revenge"
"Is that a threat?" Mia asks
"Yep, watch your ass" I say
Liam laughs and says "Are you serious?"
"Lets just get one thing straight, Leah doesn't joke about hurting people" Mia says
I'll try and update more often since I figured out how to update on my phone
Comment your ideas and I'll give you a shoutout if im using them
Shoutout to MiaCrnoja13
Follow me 1Dgurl13

FanfictionKristina, Marissa, Ashley, Keanna, Megan, Leah and Bella were just on a regular shopping trip when they saw 5 boys arguing. They looked familiar so they went up a little closer, only to find out that they were the famous British-Irish boy band ~ One...