Leah's P.O.V.
We all woke up at the same time, 8:00 pm. No wonder though, because Marissa and Louis started screamimg at the top of their lungs. When I woke up, I jumped and did a karate kick, because I was scared somebody was going to hurt me. (I've learned not to trust anybody)
"Since when do you know karate?" Ashley asks me
"I dunno. I guess just reflexes" I say laughing
"Okay then" Kristina says
"What do we do now?" Harry asks
"I don't know, we slept for like 7 hours straight. We cant just go back to sleep now" Marissa says
"Lets play a game" Liam says
"Like what?" Asks Mia
"20 questions" Megan says
"2 truths and a lie" Says Keanna
"Spin the bottle" says Harry with a wink
"Truth or dare" I say
"Yeah, I say truth or dare" Says Kristina
"Me too" Says Niall
"Add me to the list" Says Ashley
"Same" Bella and Zayn say at the same time
"Truth or dare it is" Says Liam
"YAY!" I shout and jump
"Where are we gonna play" Asks Ashley
"Theres an area with couches" Says Kristina
"Really" Asks Mia in awe
"You don't even k ow what's in your local mall?" Asks Louis
"Sorry, I don't like shopping, at all" She replies
"Me either" Says Ashley
"Losers" says Zayn
"You like shopping?" I ask him
"Yeah" He responds
"Weird child" Says Harry
"So, where are these couches?" Mia asks putting quotations over 'couches'
"Down the hall" Says Kristina
"LETS GOOOOO" Shouts Bella
As soon as we get there, Niall shouts "Wait! We can't start without snacks"
"Obviously" Mia says
"Who's gonna get them?" I ask
"Me and you" Harry says a little too quickly
"Um ok?" I say
"Lets go" He says and grabs my hand
We start walking up the escalator and Harry asks me "Can I ask you something?"
I look at him and reply hesitantly "S-sure"
"You sure you're sure?" Harry asks trying to make me laugh (and succeeding)
"Yes I'm sure" I say laughing and a little more confidently
"I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but I really like you" Harry says
"I like you too" I say
"Yeah, you're Harry Styles, who wouldn't like you?" I ask laughing

FanfictionKristina, Marissa, Ashley, Keanna, Megan, Leah and Bella were just on a regular shopping trip when they saw 5 boys arguing. They looked familiar so they went up a little closer, only to find out that they were the famous British-Irish boy band ~ One...