chapter 8

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Still Kristina's P.O.V.

I wake up around 3:00 AM to somebody poking me and saying my name.

"Kristina, Kristina, Kristina are you sleeping?" Somebody asks me

"No, I'm skydiving" I say. Then I recognise the voice, Niall

"Sorry for waking you up. I just can't sleep" He says

"It's ok. Wanna talk?" I ask

"Sure, lets go somewhere else so we don't wake anyone" He says


We walk around and then Niall says, "Let's go to Walmart"

"Why Walmart?"

"Because, I have an idea for something to do today" He says

"I know 3 things already, 1. It will be crazy 2.It will be fun 3. It will involve food" I say

"You know me so well already" Niall says

"Of course I do, now tell me what you want to do"

"Come and see" He says mysteriously

We go through Walmart and to the backpack section. 

"Get 6 backpacks" Niall says

I do what he tells me to and ask, "Why?"

"You're about to see in a minute"


"Wait at least untill we get there" He says

Then we get to the food isle, and Niall stops at the whipped cream section.

"Put 4 cans of whipped cram in each bag" He says

"Are we going to have a whipped cream fight?" I ask

"Yep" He says


"Quiet, or we'll wake them up all the way from here" He says

"Sorry. Do we need to get anything else?"

"Toilet paper! When you spray someone, you can also T.P. them" I say

"Sure, lets go get it. Wait, where's the toilet paper?" He asks

"Follow me" I say

We get the toilet paper and a number of other things to use as 'shields' and 'weapons'. Then we hear someone near us laughing.

"Who the hell is that?" Niall asks

"I don't know, lets go see" I say

"Wait, get whipped cream to spray at whoever that is" I say

"On 3, charge and attack, ok?" Niall whispers "1, 2, 3 Go!" 

We run around the other side of the isle and attack. We hear screaming coming from them and I automatically recognise the scream, LEAH! We're attacking her and Harry!

"That'll teach you two not to spy on us again" Niall says

"Sorry!" They both surrender

"Yeah, you better be" I say just as Louis and Marissa come

"Mmmm whipped cream" Louis says as he licks off a bit from Harry's cheek


"Well good morning to you too" He says

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