Chapter 12 - The Luminosity

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Chapter 12 – The Luminosity

Hetoshi and Ame were currently driving towards the outer part of town that the team had agreed on, and as they sat and waited for them to arrive in that area, Taiyou wondered if this plan would work. Usually he would get a feeling that it would go one way or the other while discussing the idea, but this time his subconscious instinct gained through years and years of experience couldn't decide.

It was the same with Tsuki. They had no other option but to take the first idea and run with it. Anything to stop more needless murders and crimes. They had to act as quick as possible too, because it was only a matter of time before Eclipse found out about Hetoshi's disappearance.

More than likely, there were a few Aka Sora at the birthday party, whether Hetoshi knew about them being there or not, or at the very least Eclipse might have someone watching the surveillance cameras, maybe he might even be watching them himself, making sure that everything went according, and trying to prevent such events like the one they were staging from occurring.

A few minutes of tense waiting later, Ame told them that he could start to see all the older, more traditional houses and asked if it was time to start the operation. Kumo confirmed their location and Taiyou gave the order for Hetoshi to use the emergency beeper.

"Pressing the beeper three times, in" Hetoshi spoke seriously, counting down until things got really serious and everyone heard the tiny clicking and beeping sound coming from the small device thrice times before it went silent.

The sound of the car's revving engines and other cars on the road, the hum, beep and click of the computers, and all the other sounds of the night seemed to fade out into silence, as if they all fell into a half-asleep, half-awake dream state and only one thing could snap them out of it; the sound of Hetoshi's mobile phone ringing.

What was roughly ten seconds never seemed so long, and salvation seemed nigh when the musical tone of the mobile began to sound and everyone let out the breath they had all been unconsciously holding in anticipation.

The middle aged man, still dressed in a white suit, even though it was a bit dirtier than when he put it on several hours ago, answered the call and put the phone on loudspeaker, mostly because he needed the rest of the team to hear the conversation, and also to free his hands up for driving, since Ame was definitely making this seem as real as possible.

"...Is there a problem, Gin?" a blank, emotionless voice sounded through the phone's speaker, sounding a bit static at first, but then cleared up momentarily. There was nothing but silence in the background on the other end, and it made things seem so much more creepy.

"I'm being chased. Since it's dark, I can't see very clearly, but I think it's a former client who's been after me for ages. Can you direct me to somewhere safe?" Hetoshi said simply, genuinely sounding a bit flustered because of Ame's tailgating him and he was actually getting a bit nervous over it.

"...take the next right. Head down the road for approximately three kilometres and then turn right again. Follow that road until you see a warehouse on the right side of the road. Go there and use your mask. Page me again if you must." the man known as Eclipse hung up the phone and all went silent for a moment and everyone seemed to come out of their little trances simultaneously.

"Damn it!" Kumo exclaimed loudly, making Hetoshi jump, still being a bit nervous over Ame's tailing him so closely, and also just talking to Eclipse made his blood curdle slightly. "I couldn't narrow it down to any smaller than a few kilometres. What I got though, even though I've narrowed it down, makes it more difficult. It's an area about 45 minutes from our location and it's just full of large blocks of land with fancy, rich people houses on them."

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