Chapter 1 - Aka Sora

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Chapter 1 - Aka Sora

"You have a job." the man on the phone spoke in an deep authoritative tone.

"..." the person said nothing in reply, and waited for the man to speak again.

"I will be out the front in 5 minutes. Be ready." he said with finality that left no room for negotiation or questioning and hung up the phone before the person on the other end could speak.

Groaning lazily, the person got up out of bed and went over to their closest after switching on the light. They opened the double doors, that were painted a nice off-white, looked inside and lifted out the usual attire and put it on, making sure to use up every singe second of the five minutes they had until the man that was on the phone would be out the front of the small, 2 bedroom house.

Roughly four minutes later, there was the unmistakable sound of a car horn, beeping thrice before going silent again. Groaning again, the person now fully dressed except for the black, knee-high leather boots, walked out carrying them and opened the door to the shiny black car with the dark-tinted windows and got in the back passenger's side. The man who was on the phone only minutes ago spoke and told her what they had to do, while the person put their boots on.

"There is a man hiding in an empty home that has recently stolen over $50,000 from a large, and very important company as well as assaulted and nearly killed several of the staff. You are needed to bring him into custody."

"That's what the local cops are for. Tell them to do their jobs." the person spoke for the first time, their voice low and cold with an irritated edge to it. Clearly, it was a woman, and she obviously wasn't happy about being disturbed.

"We cannot cause a large domestic disturbance since this information isn't supposed to be released to the media because of what company it is. So the local police has not, and will not been informed of the incident. We have been asked to do it because we don't have information leaks." the man replied, his dark brown eyes looking into the rear-view mirror every few moments to look at the woman in the back seat with her foot resting up against the front passenger seat, buckling up her footwear.

She rolled her icy blue eyes in reply and sat back in the black leather seat and watched the houses, trees and whatever else was out the window go by. He gave her the blueprints to the building, and she inspected them as each street light went past. All she really needed to know was where the attic and basement stairs were, and everything could be figured out when she got there, so she quickly checked them over, before being satisfied and putting the papers on the seat next to her.

It was about 5am, and the boss had most likely been up all night looking for this guy, but she didn't really care. It was annoying since the other three members of her team were either; not exactly suited for the field or already had a job to do. She asked about them anyway.

"So why can't one of the others do it? This is my sleeping day, you know that." she retorted sharply but tonelessly to the middle aged man sitting in the driver's seat.

"You are smart enough to know why. They're all busy." he replied just as sharply, telling her how it is with no hesitation.

The woman just rolled her eyes and glared at the back of his seat with emotionless eyes only being revealed. She had her first mask on, that was made from black material and covered her nose and mouth. Revealing her face was something she hated doing, even to the boss who already knew what she looked like underneath it.

A few minutes after waiting for a traffic light to change, so they could move, they arrived a few blocks away from their destination. Since she was supposed to approach the target without them knowing, as usual, she couldn't let the car get too close, so they wouldn't hear the car and go bolting off somewhere. She put on the painted black mask, with the small, white crescent moon symbol in between the eye holes.

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