Chapter Seven

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The next day it was pretty awkward to tell Annie about our relationship. I mean, come on its her freakin brother. I can do this. "Hey Ann, so I was thinking... Um, that you would like to go on a date with Tom and I. " oh my gosh what the heck am I saying. "I MEAN, I'm sorta going out with your brother, so um do you want to go to the mall with me after school to pick out an outfit?" I asked. Geez, I'm a blabber mouth. "Oh well, that was a lot in one statement, but yeah, totally. You're my friend and I totally respect your feelings. " she told me. " Thanks. "I said back.
At school, as I was passing by my locker to get my textbooks, Tom smiled at me. I quite honestly didn't know what to do, so I just smiled back.
Later that day...
"Annie, that outfit looks WAY too bright for me." She was holding up a neon pink top with white shorts. "Eww, ok agreed." She said. "Ooh what about this?" I asked. I showed her a light blue top with a pair of white denim shorts. "Totally," she said. "Ok, but holy crap it's like, $4o for the whole outfit. I'm broke, unless YOU have money. " I told her. "Oh I remember now!! My dad gave me a $50 gift card to forever 21!" Annie said. "We can use it!" "If that's ok, then yeah!" I said. So we paid for the outfit and headed out.

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