Chapter 57: Connected by Trust

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"Wake up."

Wow. Such a cool, and extremely soothing voice.

I moaned sleepily, and shifted in displeasure.

"No!" I whined, and didn't open my eyes.

"I do not have all day at my disposal, wake up." the cool voice spoke authoritatively.

Weird, since when did Theodore have such a hoarse voice?

"Stop it, Theodore!"

I felt the person beside me shift, uncomfortably.

"Sìgnörìna, Svéglìatevì." the cold, tempting voice ordered.

**Sìgnörìna: Miss // Svéglìatevì: Wake up.**

"I don't," I yawned in mid-sentence, "Know where you learned such words, my dear, nor do I know what they mean. Whatever, leave me to my bed, and go away!"

"Miss Thorne..." The words came out in an almost tortured, cold frosty voice, "Pér fâvoré, wake up." Wow, why does he seem like he's choking upon his own words?

**Pér fâvoré: Please**

Who's that, anyway? Theodore, right? A Theodore with something stuck in his throat, maybe ─I concluded.

"Hey, hey! What's with the respectful address?!" I moaned playfully, "It's always been Cherry ─Charlotte for the least! And for now, leave me alone, I wanna sleep! Mr. Ellington is working the heavens out of me already, please!"

I groaned, pleadingly.

"I..." the voice started deliberately and hesitantly, it seemed a bit... pissed off?

"I am not asking you. I am ordering you ─wake up, now!"

Wow, quite grouchy aren't we?

"Did a little girl back in your school dump you, baby?" the person shifted at that, "I swear I'll listen to you once I'm awake!" I continued moaning childishly, and wiggled fuzzily in my place.

"Gia abbastanza, sto diventando impaziente." The cold voice froze utterly, "I am starting to get impatient." He growled, as if translating, lowly.

**Gia abbastanza, sto diventando impaziente: Enough already, I'm getting impatient.**

"Humm," I hummed like a spoilt child, "Holy Theo-pie, when had you become such a hottie while speaking Korea-Japane-Chinese!" I giggled bubbly.

"Italian." The word seemed like it's about to bite my head off, "This is Italian, Miss Thorne."

I just huffed, "Yes, yes. It could be the language of birds for all I cared about! Now, how about you leave me to my bed, Theo-baby?" I murmured sleepily, and turned away from the Theo-with-a-bug-in-his-throat.

I heard a loud and sharp exhalation of breath, and at that particular moment, a hand grasped my shoulder, and flipped me back to the side I was facing before.

"Wake. Up. Now."

I frowned, and squeezed my eyes, trying to open them.

"You annoying, insistent, unfeeling, little brat─" My voice trailed off as I opened my eyes, and I blinked.


He's all three adjectives ─annoying, insistent, and unfeeling.

But he most certainly was no brat. Not a little one, anyway, I am sure.

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