Go Away

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Alexis's P.O.V

I pulled away from Calum and watched Jonathan walk to us. No why are you here. I thought to myself. "Hello Alexis. " He said smirking at me. "Can I help you?" Calum said standing in front of me." Sorry mate just trying to talk o a old friend." He chuckled darkly before speaking again. "I will see you again Alexis. And it will be when your little boy toy isn't with you." He said before walking away from us."Can we go please?" I asked. Calum shook his head bfore calling the other boys over. We got into the car. Everyone laughing and talking except for me. All I could think was why was he back and what does he want from me?

Calum's P.O.V

What is wrong with her. She was just fine till that prick showed up. I'll ask her when we get back upstairs. "Were are you two going? Luke
asked. "Back to the tour bus with you guys?" I said raising a eyebrow at him. "No. Management got us a hotel for a few weeks. The tour bus got robbed so gotta wait a little bit." "If that was the case why did you even say anything dumb ass." Alexis snpped at him. "Hey don't talk to him like that because your a shit mood!" Samira snapped at her. "What ever you are the one who used to talk shit. Oh i hate him, he was to blind to see I really liked him blah blah blah blah blah!" "I loved him of course i cried over him. I HAVE feelings. Unlike you. You just walked around pushing everyone away!" "Hey lets stop now before someone says something they regret." Michael said. "Oh so you want me to act the way you did and turn into a druggie at the age of 14 and damn near die. Or did you want me to whore around like you did!" Ashton slammed on the brake. Everyone went silent,not daring to say a word. "You know what Alexis. I may have slept with 2 boys after Luke left." She paused licking her lips before talking again." But I'm not the one who tried to kill myself." She opened her car door before getting out and running off. Luke getting out right behind her calling her name. The car was silent once again. Ash and Mikey looked back at us before Ash started the car again. "We're 15 minutes from home they will meet us there." Ash said before driving off. Only thing running through my head was

She tried to Kill Herself because of ME.


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