Chapter 10: its all making sense

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Emma was trapped in a small box, she could hear people screaming and laughing and she heard a familiar voice "now as you can see we have........" The person paused "a... Assistant. Yeah a assistant, that is going to be helping me for my next trick and she's already inside." Emma was filled with fear, just the tone of this ladies voice made her feel very uneasy. "So what we are going to do is stick knifes through this box!"
Everyone started cheering and clapping, what was going on? How did she get there? When she took a second to think of who it was, she realized that it was Jesse! The demon that almost killed Logan! When all of the sudden Jesse started counting down "5.....4.....3.....2....1!" And all of the sudden Emma woke up screaming. "Em what the hell is going on?!" Emma started crying, "I had a really bad nightmare!"
        Jake looked really worried, "what was it about?" Emma had fear behind her eyes. "I had a dream that I was trapped inside a tiny box, I was like in a circus or something and that lady that almost killed Logan, was the magician! She sounded like she wanted to kill me! Jake I'm scared I can't take this anymore!" Jake wrapped his arms around Emma and cuddled with her. "It's ok, it's ok. We'll figure something out together, I promise."
Emma couldn't get much sleep last night and she was tired. She got up out of bed and went into the kitchen to something that smelled really good. As she walked into the kitchen she saw Jake cooking on the stove which is surprising knowing she's usually the one that cooks. "Hey babe, what you cooking?" Jake was startled when she came over to him. He had an unusually happy smile on his face this morning.
      "Oh just a little something for you and me to celebrate!" Emma looked very confused "what are we celebrating?" Jakes smile got even bigger. "Well you know how I've been gone for quite a bit lately? Well I thought sense we are getting married we are probably going to start a family and we can't do that in this tiny old apartment so I've been working extra hard to get more money to buy a house! Which I did by the way." Emma was happy but sad at the same time.
She was gonna miss that little old apartment that she spent most of her LA life in. She couldn't wait for the feature. She was ready for a new beginning. She spent most of the day going through old pictures when she came across a picture of Jake a couple years before they met. She had a strange feeling. The picture was of Jake and a woman that looked familiar.
           She realized after a couple of minutes looking at the picture that the lady in this picture was Jesse! Is this why she had that weird dream? What was Jesse and Jake at that time? Find out next chapter!
      (Hey guys, sorry for a short chapter. I've been busy and I've just had SO many things to do. I have a choir concert coming up, I have school, school work, and I'm also gone from home a lot. I should be finishing this book some time in 2016 because I have many ideas for the next few chapters! Here's a hint of what's coming up. Marriage, heartbreak, death, and much more! I hope you guys have enjoyed what I've done so far, thanks for reading!~Daynna)

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