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Amber was backstage at another one of the Jonas Brothers concert tour stops. Now they were in Washington D.C. Nick was on stage singing his heart out and was about done for his solo that they decided to do toward the end.

Amber was pacing the floor. She was getting nervous because Nick was going to be singing her new favorite and the fans 'Stay'. He has a few glory notes during the song; that if he just hits them just right, he couldn't mess them up. But sometimes she was worried that he wouldn't hit it. But she never put it out there.

Soon, the fans cheered as Nick got done before singing his encore 'Stay'. Which means he has just a little break before he sings.

Nick was hurrying backstage to find Amber. He and Amber had a tradition that during this part of the show, he would check on her so that he knew that she was okay, and hug and kiss on top of that. He saw her pacing the floor playing with her heart necklace that he got her a week ago.

"You're going to break that if you keep it up," he told her as he reached her.

Amber stops to turn and saw Nick. "Oh, sorry. Just trying to keep myself busy and from going nuts."

"There is nothing to worry about," Nick kissed Amber. "One more song and we are out of here. Are you going to wait for me tonight? Or meet me in the dressing room?"

Amber smiles and nods, "I'll wait. I always do."

"Good," he smiled, kissed her again, and ran off to the stage to sing his final song for the night.

Amber went to sit down in a chair and wait. She then felt a sharp pain on her right side, and then felt sick to her stomach. She looked at Rob who was watching her.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I think I'm going to be sick," she said and ran off to the dressing room.

Rob was worried, "I guess not."


Nick got done and walked off to go find Amber, but never saw her around. "Amber?" he asked and went toward Rob, "Where is she?"

"She ran off to the dressing room. She wasn't feeling good. She didn't look okay either," Rob told him.

Nick froze. He remembered what happened a little over a month ago. "Please don't tell me she started up again," he said to himself softly, and looked at Rob. "Let's go check on her."

"I'll stand at the door."


They ran off to the dressing room.


Amber was on the floor in the bathroom of the dressing room resting after she just lost everything that she had just ate, which was now in the toilet. She was leaning up against the wall after she flushed the toilet, but had her right hand on her right side because she was hurting.

"What is wrong with me?" she asked the room, which no one was there. She was thinking what she ate that day and what she did. She knew that she ate three meals because all three were with Nick, but why her side. What she and Nick ate was the same and nothing tasted funny. Maybe it was that time of month for her.

"Amber!" she heard out in the dressing room. It was Nick.

Amber cursed under her breath, "Not now."


Nick opened the door and slammed it behind him, "Amber!"

When he didn't see her in the room, he quickly ran to the bathroom to see Amber sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall. "Baby? Are you okay?" he asked he said kneeling beside her.

The Personal Assistant: Part 3 (A Nick Jonas FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now