Chapter 3

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Suddenly I heard a growl and moaning from outside the door and I peeked outside and nothing, then suddenly a face appeared it completely took me by surprise and I fell back and the thing outside tried desperately to break the door down but the barricade held in place, the banging stopped and we all sighed with relief. Suddenly the glass next to the door smashed and the thing rolled into the room, I shoved my hand into my pocket and luckily I still had my pocketknife in there, I pulled it out and flicked up the biggest blade on it.

The creature didn't stir for a few seconds, so I slowly crept towards it. I was only a few metres away when it started to moan and groan I flinched and I could now smell something like road kill that has been out in the sun for ten week.

I was only a metre now and it smelled so bad, I kicked it with my shoe and it pounced at me with it's hand and grappled my shoe and it was about to sink it's teeth into my leg if I hadn't of kick it with my other shoe and ran back to my bag and grabbed a zip tie and ran back to the thing that was now face down and I pounced on it's back and tied it's hands together, so it couldn't move.

"Ring the police!" I yell and almost immediately everyone got their phones and rang 000. In a few minutes the police came and found me holding the things hands to my gut and my knee in it's back, it was totally under control. When the police took it, it tried to lunge at them, but they but one of those masks that you put on a dog to stop it from biting, but human version.

In a couple of minutes the news was here and flocked around me and I felt uncomfortable to be around so many people. Suddenly I felt a tug on my hand and it dragged me out of the crowd and into the alleyway, I didn't see it face, but it was roughly as tall as me and same age.

It finally turned and I saw jet black hair and green eye, it was Clare. She pulled me close and I could feel her breath on my face and then she attacked me with her lips, her soft lips attached against mine. Her arms around my neck, my hands on her hips. It felt like minutes until she stopped. She put her face on my shoulders and her breath ran down my shirt.

"What were you doing you could of killed yourself." She said and looked me in the face as a teardrop fell down her face and wiped it off with my thumb.

"But I didn't." I said in a calm voice. She held me tighter and I held her tighter.

"You want to take a taxi back to my place and get ready for the party." She asked.

"Of course."


We got to her house and walked inside and cleaned everything up just in time to invite the first of the guests in and take they gifts, The gifts were mostly alcohol.

As the darkness rolled in at about nine the party really started and the dj pumped the music up loud, but Clare live far from any house.

Guys danced with their girls and I went into the bathroom and that memory will haunt me forever. I went up to the private bar and Clare was handing out alcohol.

"You want help."

"No" Clare said. "Have you drunk alcohol in your live."

"No, I have been trying to keep it clean."

"Try some, with me than." As she put two shot glasses on the table and filled them with alcohol and handed me one.

"What the hell." I said as I shoved the liquid down my throat  and it burned. I liked it. "More."

She filled my cup again and hers and we both skulled it. I felt really happy, I was drunk. "More." I said.

"Okay this is our last drink." She said before filling my drink, but this time I heard something else go into our cups, but I am drunk and I didn't pay much attention.


I woke up next to Clare with our arms around each other, I felt tired and I had hangover. Clare's green eye opened and she snuggled closer to me and fell back to sleep. I was to stunned to do anything so I did nothing for fifteen minutes.

"Good morning." Clare said finally. "What happened last night, because I have no clue."

"I don't know either, but all I know that I have a headache." I answered and rubbed my hurting temple.

I got out the bed and walked over to my discarded jeans and shirt. The floor was covered in dirt and cups. "Looks like it was some party last night."

"Looks like it." Clare said as she slipped on jeans and a shirt.

We walk down stairs together in hand and shoo all the drunk teenagers and started cleaned up.


As we finished dry cleaning the carpet we inspected our work and had a cold drink of lemonade.

"Thanks for helping me." Clare said. "I guess I'll see you around."


And with that we went our separate ways.


I opened the front door and I was attacked with a big bear hug, it was my mother.

"Where were you sweetie, you didn't answer my calls texts." Said as she looked me into my eye.

"I forgot to tell you that I went to a party." I said trying not to sound to guilty. "Couple friends."

"You better not of been to that house on the hill because to music was blaring and people were super drunk." She warned. "Or else."

I went inside and dad wasn't home and Teresa was on a chair on the lounge room and drawing picture.

"What you drawing there, Teresa."


"Like what stuff."

"Drunk people and explosions and drunk people exploding."

"I'll leave you to it than." I said and walked into my room and Daniel just woke up from a nap and bounded towards me. "Hay Daniel." I said and scratched behind his ear and stroked his back and landed on my bed and wiped out my phone.

Hay where u at
What u doing
Of course u r
I am
We'll see u
I flicked off my phone and walked to the fridge and opened the door and pulled out a soda and chocolate, two out of the ten favourite things in this world.

I looked at the clock and it was 3:30. "Is it that time already." I said as I crashed onto a lounge and drank a bit from my soda and took a bite from my chocolate.

The news was on and it was say a epidemic was coming and I felt a little scared. It started showing videos of people running from thing that looked similar to the thing I fought, but they was hundreds and thousands of them jumping onto people and ripping out they gut and going onto the next and the guys that was ripped open should of been dead, but they got up and started running after the other humans with half their small intestine hanging out, I was almost about to scream but stopped myself. "The only unaffected country is Australia because all they flight in and out have been either turned around or shot down, the death toll is expected to rise to the billions, this is a global pandemic, pray you stay alive." The reporter said and I switched off the tevivision.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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