Scary Rides

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"Let's go on this ride!" Evan yelled to Jonathan, pointing at a ride that it seemed you were able to control and it would go upside down. The basic mechanics of the ride were, to pressed the top button and you would go forward, going high in the air or just simply going upside down, you could also stopped the ride when it's high in the air and just stay there until you press another one of the buttons, you could also press the bottom button that would cause it to go backwards. It'd looked fun, to Evan at least.

"U-uh, maybe not." Jonathan stuttered scratching the back of his head.

"Is someone scared?~" Evan said with a smirk pecking at his lips as he nudged Jonathan's shoulder with his forearm.
"Look, even Tyler and Craig are getting on it!" There were two of the same rides considering they were both not that big and people seemed to enjoy them. The two watched as the newly formed couple sat down in the seats and the man who controlled the line buckling them up. One looked more nervous than the other though, it was Tyler.
Jonathan sighed and slowly walked toward the line.

"Fine. But if I start screaming in terror it's your fault." Jonathan said waving his arm dismissively.

"Alright." Evan smiled cheerfully walking over towards Jonathan who was now in the surprisingly short line. "But Jonathan." Evan said causing Jonathan to look up at him. "I've already heard you scream many times before." Evan smirked as he saw Jonathan's face turn as red as a tomato.

"HOLY SHIT!" Tyler screamed causing Jonathan to whip his head to see the two going backwards and Tyler holding on for dear life and Craig laughing his ass off.

"Maybe I won't go on it." Jonathan said, but it was to late. Evan was already shoving him toward the other ride, wait, when did they get in front? It doesn't matter because now Jonathan is in the seat being hooked it. His breathing was heavy as he was actually quite scared.

"It's okay Jonathan." Evan smiled reassuringly grabbing Jonathan's hand which was grasping on the for his dear life. Jonathan started to calm down until Evan pushed down on a button causing the ride to go forward and up. This wasn't so bad. Suddenly, the ride flipped forward causing Jonathan to scream loudly. "FUCK" He screamed only to hear Evan chuckle. "WHY'D YOU MAKE YOU DO THIS?!" Jonathan screamed but couldn't help but laugh, it was in his nature.

"Calm down!" Evan yelled but quieter than he did. Slowly but surely, Jonathan opened his eyes only to see them doing another flip ; but backwards. He felt himself raise slightly out of his seat until he was slammed back down by going forward hastily.
He now laughed soon getting used to the ride, it was actually pretty fun.
Sadly the ride ended within ten minutes of fun, but he still regretted it as he felt as if his whole meal from earlier was about to come up.

"I don't feel so good." Jonathan said holding his stomach, leaning on Evan while doing so. Evan held his arms around the smaller man so Jonathan wouldn't fall.

"Let's go get some water and try to find the others." Evan said as they slowly walked toward a booth which sold waters.

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