Its Today?!

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••• Finally Craig's POV •••

Craig sat down scrolling through Twitter in boredom. He favorite a little bit of fan art of him and friends, he also talked about being less frequent when posting videos this week because of a bunch of things. Lots of his fans asked if he could vlog his week so at least he was still posting some type of video. He shrugged and agreed, he saw a lot of people were happy and that made him happy. He saw that Tyler finished his pancakes. "Where do I put this?" Tyler asked him pointing at his empty plate, Craig pointed at the sink which was basically empty besides a few forks and cups. Coincidence they both stood up at the same time, although they didn't know. Craig walked over to put his plate into the sink and Tyler went to put his in as well. The two men bumped into each other chest first. Craig looked up at Tyler and backed up quickly. "Ha. Sorry." Tyler said. "No it was my fault. Haha." They both spoke awkwardly. "Err.." Craig said rubbing the back of his neck. The two locked contact with each other's eyes, the awkwardness they just felt moments ago melted away. They didn't move, nor did they look away.
Than, they started to inch closer to each other, Tyler moving down towards Craig and Craig going up higher. The movement wasn't fast, just slow and it didn't look like they were moving, it didn't look awkward. As soon as they were about too kiss, Craig's phone buzzed. Both of their eyes widened and Craig backed up hastily and went to his phone. He shot his head up towards Tyler, groaning in the process for cracking his neck. "Dude. It's today!" Craig yelled causing Tyler to jump slightly by the sudden loudness in Craig. "What?!" Tyler yelled. "At 3:30" Craig said and he checked the time on his phone, the time read 3:15. "It's 3:15" Craig eyes widened even more and looked over at Tyler who just as surprised as he was."What?!" Tyler yelled once again. "I didn't know, uh, uh, uh." Craig stuttered not knowing what too say. "Put your jacket on and let's go!" Craig yelled as he was running toward his room at the same time unzipping his pants to change into a new pair. As he grabbed another pair and was in the process of putting it on as he ran back into the 'living room' he tripped and fell. Tyler who was still in the middle of putting on his jacket, ran over to Craig, crouching down to him and basically lifting him up as if to tell him to hurry his ass up. Craig looked up at Tyler and glared and than jumped and turned around and ran back to his room. Craig grabbed his keys and a pair of socks, including his shoes as well as Tyler's shoes. He ran towards the couch as he threw Tyler's shoes at Tyler. Than he rushed his shoes and socks on, which his shoes were already tied so he just slipped them on. He saw Tyler who slipped his shoes on standing up as leaned against the kitchen island. As soon as Tyler was done with his shoes, he grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the door of the apartment building- shutting the door behind him. The whole way down to the parking of the apartment building he was dragging Tyler still by his arm. Once they got the car, Craig huffed and his eyes were less filled with concern and more with sudden tiredness. He walked toward the drivers seat of the car and unlocked it. Opening the car door he slide in, as well as Tyler in the passenger seat. Craig checked his phone which read 3:22, than he looked down toward a new message from Evan.
Evan: "Haha, jk. Did I scare ya?"
Craig groaned and slammed his head against the back of the seat. He slid his phone open and texted Evan back.
Craig: "Yeah, you did. You little fucker, I'll get you back."
Evan: "Suuuuuure you will. Btw, how's it going with Wildcat? ;)"
Craig looked at the message and slowly angled his phone away from Tyler view point. Craig told Evan a while back on a Skype call how he liked Tyler, Evan has been trying to help Craig with that ever since.
Craig: "Fine."
Evan: "Just 'fine'? I find that hard too believe."
Craig: "Yes. Just 'fine' lol"
Evan: "Nothing has happened that has been.. Interesting? ;)"
Craig: "Eww.. If your asking if we have had sex, than no. Tyler hasn't even done anything..."
Evan: "What's with the 3 periods?"
Craig: "No reason.. Haha."
Evan: "Okay, I give up with what you two have been doing. Well, I gtg I gotta get Delirious from the airport."
Craig. "Be safe you two, if you know what I mean. ;)"
Evan: "Lol."
Damn! That was a lot of texting! Haha. Well anyways I got a lot of votes on this story, and I guess people like it? That's fun. Also got I think somethin 100 reads, like, whaaaat?! Trust me, this makes me really happy that people are liking my story. Kay, next chapter will be probably Monday!

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