A friendship begins

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This is unbelievable.For the first time in her life for fifteen years,this time Mabel really got herself head over heels.A bad crush.On Legolas!No! Wait! She is probably  just like fan girling.He had charming looks.Don’t  forget : he is a Prince,elven Prince! Prince of the Woodland Realm!Yeah,she is not head over heels for him. She is just fascinated by his looks.Like she always did when she met some of the cute boys at her school last time.She easily got amazed by good looking guys, but Mabel never had a boyfriend.Maybe because she is timid and had strong mannerisms. Well she is primed as ‘Miss Perfect’ in their family.Following the footsteps of her sisters,Miranda and Marilyn.Just the differences is they both had boyfriends by 15.Mabel doesn’t have one.As she gathers her energy to get up from her bad, lazily.She went outside to the pavilion and rambles there.She look at the sun as it’s sunlight rays shines in her eys but it doesn’t seems to hurt her eyes a bit.When suddenly a warm voice startles her:

“Does the sunlight rays hurt you not?”

She turn to where the voice was coming from.Mabel might had her heartbeat stopped for a second.If is is’nt the gentle Prince Legolas.He smirks at her.She smiled back at him as half of the sunlight ray were shining on her left eyeball.It actually shones the colour of her eye brightly.He raised his eyebrows as he saw that.

“Your eyes..”

“Well,they don’t.It’s always been like that ever since I was a kid”

“Oh,I thought your eyes were bambi.But,they shine brighter under sunlight”

“Light reflections.It’s not really something to be proud of”

“It is rare to find such a colour of eyes in this land.The last time I saw one like yours was the boy from your world.Haven’t seen him in 500 years”

“Joel Bender?My grandfather?”

“Aye.You look almost like him.Very much.Though you lips were juicy like.Joel is’nt like that before”

“Juicy??(giggles)Well,Joel Bender was my grandparent from my father’s side.I have two other elder sisters.The first was Miranda Charlotte Bender which really had the entire look from my mother’s family side.As for Marilyn Sabriyya Bender,the second inherits a strong genes from my father side,that is Joel Bender’s family.Me myself as the youngest almost had the look from father’s side but then again I am a mix of Jennings,that is my mom.”

“Well,I guess you had the lips from the Jennings?Don’t forget your height as well,Joel Bender was much shorter than you are as I can remember.”

“Yeah.After hundreds of years you still can remember how Grandpa looked like?”

“It’s not easy to forget someone as wise and warm as Joel Bender”

“Oh,I noticed that blue eyes dominates your tribes”

“That is one of the elvens special characteristics.Some might had dark-blue like Lord Elrond’s daughter,Arwen, the queen of Gondor who is married to King Aragorn of Gondor.”

“It must be lovely.I wish I had those of kinds.”

“I think Joel Bender’s had charming eye colour.It’s so rare to find man with his eye colour type.What again female”

“Well,I get what you’re trying to say there,Legolas.Thank you.Probably I am just jealous of my brother Matt,Mark and my sister Marilyn.They had green greyish eyes.Can you imagine that?They look so nice with it”

“But,I must say myself that I love bambi brown.They look natural.”

“I love blue”

She said and smiled at him sweetly.Legolas actually admires Mabel’s eyes.They looked lively and bubbly as they shine brightly under the sun.He can feel how she and Joel Bender have the same spirit.Then,he invited her to sit with him on the bench in the pavilion.They start to make friends.Mabel tell Legolas all about her family.Starting from the Benders then to the Jennings.She tell him how she got herself in here and that she was 15 years old as it was her birthday when she got in Mirkwood 1 week ago.Legolas laughed as he made jokes which actually burst Mabel into laugh as well.Her laugh was adorable to Legolas.Innocent,flawless and true to him.He never heard that kind of laugh from a mortal ever since 500 years ago,that is right after Joel Bender left.He began to tell her about their fellowship of the ring,how was their members lifes after the quest for the ring is over and even when and why Joel Bender came there.Mabel was fascinated.Joel loved to tell her fairytales about elfs,dwarfs,dragons,orcs,wizards,dunedains but he never told her about his adventures.This makes her wonder why.But,their conversation about Joel Bender ended when Legolas suggested that they should be more talking about themselves.

“I think I should start"

So,from there Legolas shared a lot about him.His interests,skills,family backgrounds,friends even his dislikes.But,Mabel introduced a lot about herself more than Legolas does.They talked,laughed,joked and even played together.It seems like they are old friends but actually they just met.Legolas loved Mabel's bubbly side and it made him easy to be friends with her.Mabel was open to Legolas kindness and humbleness to friends with a mere mortal like her.As they were joking and laughing,a loud sound of bell broke into the castle atmosphere.

"Oh,that's the sign of dinner time"

"I guess we talked and played to much till we didn't realise its dinner time"

"Let's get in.Father must be waiting for us to join him"

Legolas lead her in.They walked to the dining hall side by side as they were still talking.As they entered,they were silenced as they saw Thranduil was waiting.They take their sits and begin to dine together.They enjoyed every food that was served.When Mabel saw some kind of cake.White cream with purples cherry she assume at the top of it.She wasn't actually desired to try it it's just that she wonder what they are called.She continues dining.Legolas who is at her right opposite who was sitting in one row with his father as he sits opposite left of Mabel,saw how she was looking at the cake just now.

"The dish you looked at just now was called Purple Berries.But,I think you shouldn't try them.It contained honey.You will get allergies."

"Oh,too bad.Anyway,thanks for reminding me."

Thranduil raised his eyebrows and in a second he could tell how they had made a good friends.

"Well,I am glad that my son and Joel Bender's heiress had made good friends.Now,my job can't be that hard"

Legolas and Mabel exchanged looks.But,his father said it straight to the point.Both were glad they made a good friendship in each others heart.They just smiled and continue to finish their food.They finished together as Thranduil walks back to his room.Legolas offered to walk Mabel back to her dorm and so he did.They chat endlessly until they arrived at her door dorm.She turns around and smiled at him.She had the sweetest smile.Which is so different from the elvens female.Some are warm but most are cold.

"I had a fun day.Just with our never ending stories.The last time I talked to like that was my family.Thank you,Legolas.It really made my day"

"Well,I am very happy and delight to befriends with someone as friendly as you are.It's hard to approach cold peoples."

"(Yawn politely)I guess it's time for me to go for bed.Thank you once again,Legolas.Wait,I really mean is..thanks for being my friend"

"Your welcome,Mabel.I am glad to be friends with you as well.Sleep well"

Mabel smiled as she closes the door gently.She went and lied on her mattress.That is right after she changed to her night gown.She didn't wear her blanket.She loves to sleep with only in her night gown.Her head lied on the soft floral pillow as she closes her eyes.Her purplish eyelids shines as the moonlight refracts on her room through the balcony.Her heart was content.Being friends with Prince Legolas was the nicest and coolest thing that had ever happened to her.She was hoping that their newly began friendship would last for a life time.After that night end,a new day comes.Their friendship begun to be closer.They started to know each other interests,habbits,dislikes and even some of their personnel things.Legolas was naturally born with a protective character.Soon,he starts to care about Mabel's daily activity.He cares a lot about her like she was a seven year old kid.Soon,they started to go out almost everywhere together.Since Mabel was petite,timid,innocent and adorable.Some may say that she is Legolas baby sister.Some say she is his apprentice which so out of topic.

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