Chapter Four- Jose and Frenchie.

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"Sam! Grab my hand quick!" I don't know why I was being over dramatic. It's not like Sam's body could fit through the tiny gap.

"Blu pull me up!" I pulled Sam so hard I think I hurt him a little. I dragged Sam away from the gap.

"Blu. My god. You saved me."

"Yup. Just being me!" I wasn't aware of how weird that sounded until I actually said it. Sam gave me a massive hug. It was nice. He was being amazing. I was looking after him and he was looking after me.

"You ok now?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I'm good. Phew. At least we made it across!"

Me and Sam started walking along the roof of the building. It was starting whatever it was.

"Sam look." I pointed to the bus that had caught fire. It was black and had completely gone out. There was bodies everywhere I could see children's bodies lying helplessly next to their parents.

"I know but we have to get going."

"Where though Sam?"

"I'm not sure yet Blu, but we have to get away from here whatever happens."

Me and Sam walked for ages, hopping across gaps in the buildings. We came to a ladder that led down to the ground at last.

"Ok you go Blu." We made our way down the ladder. Unbelievably, the walls on the buildings were still hot from the heat off the bus. We continued walking down roads and alleyways.

I don't know what's going to happen. I can't help but thinking that the power cut, the noises and the burning bus all had a connection with something. Maybe it's the

Over Population. What are me and Sam going to do though?


Why is it so hard for me. I try to tell Blu how I feel but I just can't. I want to tell her, but at this rate it looks like I'm not going to be able to.


"Shall we go through here?" I asked. In front of us was BakerLoo Underground Station.


Me and Sam hadn't seen alot of people for a while, but in here was quite a few. I guess they didn't notice what was going on.

"Ok everybody make an orderly line through the gate and back outside please!" There was a man in a yellow jacket with a megaphone shouting out orders as me and Sam walked into the station.

"I'll go ask the man what's going on, why don't you be going down into the tube?" Sam asked me.

"Yeah ok."

I made my way down the stairs. That's funny. There's no one down there. Just then as I was at the bottom I heard Sam.


What was he saying? Sam ran down the stairs to me he was looking very scared.

"Sam! Sam, calm down what's the matter?"

"The man. The man he told me all what's going to happen. Over population! The bus, the noise. The power cut! There all warnings from the Chasses!"

The Chasses were like the government. They controlled everything. They were very powerful.

"They've got a train that's going to come out of the tracks and kill anyone in its sight."

"Let's go then!"

Me and Sam ran up the stairs. We got halfway when Sam heard a noise.

"Blu it sounds like a child!"

"What does?!"

"That shout!"

Sam ran back down the stairs. I followed him but slowly.

"It is! I was right!"

He was, there was a little girl hiding in a corner. Sam grabbed her and ran back up the stairs.

"Don't just stand there! Run Blu. Run now!"

There was the train noises. Within minutes-seconds even the train lights lit up the Underground like carnival lights.


Finally we had made it out of the station.

Puffed out, Sam looked at the little girl.

"What's your name hun?"

"It's happening." That was weird, what was the little girl saying?

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"Mummy said she has to leave me because I'm too little, she said to stay in the corner and she will see me in heaven." My eyes started to water.

"Ok, but you need to tell me and Sam your name. Otherwise we can't help you."

I could here footsteps behind me. It sounded like someone was running. Who was it? Was it her mum?

"BLU!" What the hell? Who is that? Who was shouting my name? I turned around.

"Jose? What are you--" Just then it clicked. Jose was walking to school alone today because her mum and her sister Frenchie had gone into London.

"Frenchie?!" I turned back around to see a little girl. Dirty and cold.

"Mum said Frenchie was being silly but I didn't realise she was like this! For god sakes! She is such an idiot! Frenchie, are you ok?"

"Mummy left me though."

"I know she did hun, but she's so silly. We won't see her for a while." Jose explained to Frenchie that their Mum left her for herself, and that she didn't give a damn about Frenchie.

"What do you wanna do Jose?" I asked her.

"We'll there's nothing we can do now. I don't want to go back home.

Can we come with you guys? Wherever your going? Wait. Where ARE you going?!" Jose looked at me as I turned and looked at Sam.

"We're going to find the others."

"Can we come?" Asked Jose.

"I don't see why not." Sam stood up and looked down the street. It was clear.

"Over there?"

I smiled at Sam.


So! It was now the four of us. Going to look for the rest of our friends. Me, Jose, Sam and Frenchie were secretly very scared, but none of us dared to show it because we knew that if one of us broke.

We all would.


Authours notes:

HELLOOOO! Sooo this chapter has took me so long to write but I hope it was worth it!

See you sooon!

himynameiscalli (Caalli1D)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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