Part6: fell for you

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My limo finally arrives.

Mom! Dad!, the limo is here!. I'm gonna go now! Bye love you!.
Before I could go in the limo.
"Honey wait !, you forgot your purse". Mom said rushing towards me.
Oh thanks mom!. I said giggling.
"No problem, OK you little girl, go and have some fun! OK?".
Ok mom. I said hugging her.

I close the door.

" excuse me, where?". Asked the driver.
Oh , road 10, Elizabeth street, star Casanova.


So this is how royals feel.... . I thought in my mind.

We arrived at Abby's house.

Woah her house is huge!
Well I better get going....

Thank you sir.

I went out of the limo and walked inside.

Everyone was sitting in the living room.

"Gabby!!!!". Everyone shouted.

Hey girls!!! Miss you guys so much!. I said hugging each of them.

"I know right!". Said Abby.
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, I invited one more guest, he is a friend of mine". Abby added.

Oh who?

"He is one of the workers at Coffee Bean".

Wait coffee bean?, is it the counter guy?. I thought in my mind.

Oh it's fine, no probs.

"Sure?". Abby asked.

Yeah I'm totally cool with it.

Oh Abby, I'm gonna go in the kitchen to get a strawberry juice ok?.
"Yeah sure ,cool". Abby answered.


I sat on the kitchen table and took a sip of my juice.

"Hey". Someone said tapping my back.
I turned around and saw the coffee bean guy.
Oh, hey. I answered.

He sat beside me and started talking to me.

You know.........your voice sounds so familiar..... I said looking at his face but I couldn't see it clearly because his fringe was covering his eyes.

"Really?". He said smiling at me.
Yup. I said giggling.

"Maybe you've seen me in your dreams". He said smiling.

Your so cheesy!. I said laughing.

"Cheese in your pasta , cheese in your macs.
Cheesy like you, cheesy like all.
Say cheese! Cheese on me!!". He said laughing.

I froze.

That was the joke that Isaac and I made up.
It was about two girls that loves to take selfies. One day at school they were taking a together selfie, when they said cheese someone poured melted cheese on them. They were both shocked and screamed very loud that the entire school herd them.
It was so funny we created a joke .

Where did you get that joke from?. I asked .
" oh, from a girl". He said smiling.

Uh-oh. I said.

"Want another drink?". He offered.

Oh no thanks I already have a drink.

"Ok".he said.

........ What is your name?. I asked.
"You're gonna have to figure out that on your own". He said winking.

Seriously? I said giggling.
"Serious". He said.
"Hey! Let's go to the backyard!. He said pulling me outside.
We went outside.
"Look!". He said pointing at the sunset colored clouds.
Woah. I said.

I was speechless.

"Isn't it beautiful?". He asked.
Yeah. I said.

He looked at me.
His bangs were covering his eyes, I couldn't see his eyes clearly.

I looked at him.

Even though I couldn't see his eyes clearly, we made an eye contact.

I felt like we had a connection.
I felt comfortable with him as if he was Isaac.
I felt the same way like how I felt about Isaac.
He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

He was a gentleman.

My eyes were watering.
I close my eyes as tears run down my cheeks.

He wiped my tears away, softly with his thumb.

I open my eyes seeing that he is hugging me.

I leaned on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

I fell for him like I fell for Isaac.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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