The Northern Lights #4

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When i looked through the peep hole it made me change my mind completely i saw those guys that were talking to me and hurting my new friend "Yeah right" a voice said in my head when i thought the word friend.

I ignored it and backed away from the door and jumped when they banged on the door and one of them were looking throught he windows that surrounded my door as i ran up the stairs right beside the door they let off by the front door and in the kitchen.

I ran to my room and sat on my bed i wasn't going to call the cops for this what could they do they can't arrest them for coming to visite me even though i know thats not what they came to do but hey the cops don't know that.

I sat on my bed and looked out the window to the front door and they walked over to my car "Get tha heck away from the car tool heads" i said as i starred at their stupid faces

"Come on Ellie open the window and tell them off" The same voice in my head said but this time it yelled

I sat there thinking about it for a minute and dicided iof they try and hurt me then i can call the cops and then have a reason for their arrest but i though what if they don't believe me so i grabbed my camera and opened the window sticking my head and the camera out it.

"Can i help you?" i said with amusment in my voice as they looked up at me quickly

"Why don't you come down here and we will tell you?"

"How bout not" i yelled and laughed a little

"Come down here if your such a big girl" He said sarcasticlly

"Or you could take your stupid buddies and leave"

"Ahh darlen we're not goin no where"

"ha haha why don't you go back to school before you try and act all tuff big guy and get your crap of my yard before i call the cops for tresspassing"

"Ok....ok i understand we will go but......we will be back" He said before he left

"Good girl" The voice said in my head

"Thank you" i mumbled awkwardly tomyself not really paying attention as i watched those freaks drive away

I walked back down stairs bored as all freaking heck as i plopped down on the couch"What do i do?" I said to my dog that is a chihuahua

It just looked at me like i was crazy and licked my hand. There wasa lout noise coming from outside that sounded like a million fighter jets flying over my house but i doubted it.

The sound got louder and louder and i looked out the window to see nothing"Man i must be tired" I whispered to myself and as i walked away from the window i froze in my place" why and i whispering?"

"I need some sleep" i said outlout this time as i stomped up stairs and into my room and i slammed the door shut

I woke up at 4:30 PM "Oh god" i said as i got up"My dog!" i ran down the stairs as i forgot to feed him this morning and into the wash room where his food bowl and bed was he was layiong in his bed by his food bowl making crying noises and looking up at me without moving his head.

I grabbed his food and poured his supper in there with it and gave him a kiss on the head before leaving "I'm sorry baby i didn't mean to forget" i said as he licked my nose and started eatting

"Now what tha heck do i do?"

I walked over to the computer and started looking at hair colouring i was thinking about changing the colour of my bangs but which one should i use.

"Black and terquoise? Black and yellow? Black and pink? Purple?" i said out loud as i went through Manic Panic hair colour store "OOOOoo a sale"

They were having a sale if you by one set of hair bleach you get a second one free and only for $11,50 hot topic sales one box of bleach for $12,99 thats rediculous "i should buy some like pay for two and get two more free" i pushed the add to kart button twic and it popped up in my kart as i pushed the hot hot pink in the add to kart and pushed check out.




Writters note:

So so so sorry this chapter is so short i just figured if i am going to write a bunch of chapters today i better make this one short so i can upload every day so i hope you still enjoyed this one and who is that boy she saved?

Do you like him or is he weird?

Vote, Comment, & Fan if you will and if you have any books you want me to read and comment on or vote for me and my TEAM will yes i have a team me and some other people got to gether (they were friends) and we read your book vote if its good enough and comment with all honesty so if someone says something mean don't hate them they are trying to help you out their names are





Weird all their names started with XX like mine thats funny i guess when your friends it happens lol

Thanks for reading bai

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