DaveKat (hs)

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I'm baaaack and with more hs crap! Anywaaaaay, still doing request and taking ideas for new one shots, however, I may not update as often as I use to with school back in session (help me) Anywho! Here's some more fluff!

Karkat sat at the table in the main room all by himself. He didn't know where anyone was nor did he want to at that point. He grumbled to himself as he used his sharp nails to scratch at the table. Karkat was pissed, but not at anyone in particular for once. He mostly blamed himself for acting the way he did.

Only a few minutes before he had sat down in the room all alone he had lashed out on everyone and anyone who crossed his path on the ship. Truthfully, he didn't mean to, he was just having a horrible time. It had been almost two years since their three year journey began and he was sick of it.

Left and right, trolls and humans, were putting him down and giving him crap. Of course, they all thought it was harmless teasing, but it really did end up taking it's toll on poor Karkat. Dave had said the thing that set him off.
"I think I should be leader around here! We all know I can't do as bad a job as Kitkat did." Dave had said jabbing his thumb in Karkat's direction.

Back to the table he sat at he replayed the seen in his head over and over again. Everyone stared at him, everybody seemed shocked, they all looked like they saw a ghost. Tears that had dried from Karkat's face ran down his cheeks again. He never meant to hurt anybody, he never meant to get trolls and humans killed, he never meant to say things that people would be hurt by.

Why he sucked at everything was beyond him. He sniffed as he dropped his forehead back on the table. Time and time again he had tried to fix things, make them better, but he always ended up making them worse. Maybe Virska had been right, that he didn't belong there, or anywhere for that matter, that he shouldn't be alive.
"Why am I such a fucking screw up?" Karkat asked himself as more red tears ran down his nose and dripped off onto the table. "I never meant to hurt anyone... I'm sorry." For the first time in a very long time Karkat apologized and no one was there to witness it.

Things had been hard for KK, and they only got worse when he started having weird feelings for Dave. At first he thought he was more pale for him, but he found it was clear that he was indeed flushed for him. KK never was in a relationship before so he had no idea what to do around him other than put up his defenses and yell all the time.

Maybe that's why he had snapped at them when Dave said something. KK was use to getting shit from him along with everyone else, although not as bad, but he had finally just broke. One last push and he was over the edge. He recalled Dave's face from the incident. The one face in the room that looked like his favorite pet had just bite his finger until it bled, the one face that looked saddened, horrified, and a little concerned.

Tears came faster thinking about how he must've upset Dave in a way. Suddenly, he realized the main room wasn't such a good spot to be in when he heard the noise of the transporter. Karkat quickly picked up his head and tried to dry his tears as he ran and hid behind a counter like a little kid.
"Kitkat?" He heard Dave's voice call. Just great, Dave was the last person he wanted to be seen by like that.

Dave walked in further and immediately examined the table Karkat had been sitting at. He traced his claw marks he left on the table with his own fingers. His eyes quickly observed the wet spot on the table. He knew Karkat wasn't far.
"Kitkat, I knew you're in here. Just come out so we can talk already man. Everyone's looking for you. They were all shocked by what you said." Dave talked to the emptiness. His eyes darted to the counter. Once he was within a few feet he heard a warning growl.
"Stop right there! Don't come any closer!"
"But Kitkat-" he tried to take another step.
"NO! Just leave me be!" Karkat balled himself up even more. Dave could hear his voice crack.
"Okay, okay, that's cool." Dave shuffled his feet and decided to sit down where he was. "I won't push, but I'm not going anywhere."
"Why the fuck not?! I'm fine, okay!?" Karkat tried to sound convincing.
"Then why don't you come out from behind the counter dude?" Dave played it cool, like everything was normal, just enough so he could make Karkat feel comfortable enough to come out.
"Because I don't want to!"
"Then can I please come closer?" Dave scooted a few inches towards him.
"NO! Leave me alone!" Karkat repeated. Dave sighed. He moved himself so his back was pressed to the counter.
"Look, Kar. I'm just trying to help you man. What you said back there made me realize I was being a total asshole for all this time and it couldn't have been easy on you since everyone picks on you. After you left I yelled at everyone who had been mean to you. Of course, a lot of it was me and I'm not letting myself off the hook easily either. I didn't know you thought so badly of yourself." Karkat lifted his head slightly. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I'm sorry, Karkat. I really am."

Dave Strider had just apologized to Karkat Vantas... And he meant it! Karkat had no idea what to think. He stared down at the floor in shock not realizing Dave had come around the corner and taken off his shades. The minute Karkat saw Dave his eyes looked with Dave's stunning red ones. He had never seen his eyes before and had no idea why he hid them.

Maybe it was like his red blood. Dave's red eyes weren't exceptable in the human world, and neither was red blood in the troll's. Before Karkat could say anything Dave pulled him into a hug. He hated seeing Karkat cry; it was like seeing a kitten or puppy get hurt, you just automatically feel bad.
"I'm sorry, Kitkat. Do you forgive me?"
"Y-yeah... I do." Karkat's face went red.
"Hey, Kar." Dave let go and looked at him. "This is so uncool, but..." Before Karkat could speak he felt Dave's lips press against his own. For a second his heart stopped and he froze. Dave's movements were now desperate. He wanted Karkat to do something, if he didn't he would look like a complete idiot. Finally Karkat's lips moved in sync with his. After a minute they pulled away. Dave now laid in Karkat's lap with his face buried in his sweater and arms hooked around his waist.
"Dave, what the hell-"
"Kar, I'm sorry. I really fucked up, with you, forcing you to kiss me, with being a good friend. You think you fuck up, but I can't even make someone happy." Dave quickly went silent as he hung onto Karkat for dear life.
"You make me happy fuckstick." Dave looked up to see Karkat's red face and him facing the other way. "I'm flushed for you Dave."
"What does-"
"I'm in love with you, asshole. Would it kill you to listen about the quadrants just once?" Karkat growled.
"Probably." Karkat frowned. "But wait, you are in love with me?"
"Didn't I just say that?!" Karkat was growing defensive again. Dave grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down into another kiss. After letting him go Karkat was relaxed and blushing again.
"I love you, too, Kitkat."

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