chapter six

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"I can already tell this is going to be completely shit" Louis' annoying voice pipes up, shovelling a fork full of cake in to his mouth.

We are watching the opening credits to this typical slasher horror film, Verity already looks like she is about to cry, Harry seems to be on his best behaviour, and Louis is being as obnoxious as ever.

"I can already tell I don't like this!" Verity whines, holding a cushion in front of her face as she snuggles closer into Harry's arms. Louis frowns at the screen.

"I mean, come on, this is just absolutely fucking terrible." He complains and it's getting on my nerves. He hasn't even given it a chance. I don't usually like the cliché horror movies but this one is actually really good.

"It's alright, you'll love it!" Harry half jokes, it's weird to think they were at each other's throats like an hour ago.

"You know I hate horror..." She whines, craning her neck in an attempt to meet his gaze but he faces the screen and pauses for a few seconds.

"Give it ten minutes; if you hate it then we'll change it." He says looking down so that his green eyes finally meet her own. "We could always get an early night" He proposes with a giant smirk across his lips.

"Maybe" She laughs, blushing at the suggestive nature of his words.

We are only thirteen minutes in and someone is already being repeatedly stabbed in the chest by a hooded figure, blood spurting all over the place. I've seen it like a hundred times already so it doesn't bother me. I love this film a lot.

"Not like we saw that coming at all..." Louis remarks as he looks up from his IPhone for a few seconds.

Harry is eyeing the screen intensely whilst Louis just goes back to texting. I observe him for a moment. His expression is agitated and I can't help but wonder why.

"Oh my god! This is vile! Verity cries. She hides her face again in his chest.

"I think that's the point of it being a horror" Louis sniggers and he is just so irritating. I don't think he ever stops.

We watch the film for a little longer until Verity decides she's had enough. She has never liked horror films so I don't really blame her. It is pretty gruesome. She stands up; pulling her cable knit sweater sleeves down and over her hands as if it is minus twenty degrees in here. I clamber over Harry's lanky legs to take the remote from beside Louis.

"We can watch something else, you don't have to go." I proclaim, stopping the movie, but she insists that she is tired anyway and that we can continue watching it without her.

She disappears in to her room after saying goodnight and wishing Harry a happy birthday for the final time today.

"At least there's one good thing about this film." Louis remarks, nudging Harry as an attractive blonde woman appears on the screen. "She'd get it." He declares and Harry looks at him, a coy look appearing on his face. How cheap. Is he for real? I can tell this is going to be a repeat of earlier on because I swear that Harry never learns. Louis knows what to do to. All he seems to talk about is women, but not even in a nice way, he is crude, sexualising and objectifying. He has absolutely no respect. It's also the fact that I am a girl and what he is doing is completely indecent. I bite my tongue as he continues to comment, but really I just stay quiet purely because I will have to spend the rest of the evening with him and I don't want him making me feel any more uncomfortable than I already am. My stare intensifies as I will Harry not to fall in to the trap.

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