chapter one

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"We're stopping in town." He demands, breaking the silence in my small car. It's the way he orders me around like he has authority that gets me. He really is stupid.


"Stop being a bitch and just do it." He snaps and I feel even more animosity towards him than I already did.

"Don't call me a bitch."

"Stop being one then." His ability to quick fire insults at me is just proof that he is so used to being like this with people. He wants a reaction and so I just won't give it to him.

"Why do you want to go there for anyway?"

He owes me an explanation as to why if he wants to go there so desperately and if he thinks otherwise then no.

"If you don't tell me why, I'm not stopping." I add and he bites his lip.

"I need to get something. Can you just fucking do it , please?" He says and I'm not really sure whether to be happy that he used the word 'please' for once in his life or, angry that he continuously swears at me. I can see him out of the corner of my eye, staring intensely, waiting for an answer.

"Well fine, but don't take forever."

The conversation comes to a halt as we arrive in town, It is only a small distance from work so he obviously knew we would pass through. His explanation as to why we are here isn't exactly detailed, but I know it's probably all I'm going to get.

"Hurry up or I'm leaving without you." I threaten as he takes his time. I watch him as he rolls his eyes and climbs out, slamming the door.

My eyes follow his figure as he walks over and greets a more tanned man than himself. The stranger has dark hair, he's dressed in a leather jacket and black jeans. I can't make anything else out; he doesn't look familiar to me. They do one of those manly hugs that guys do and then walk off together. I can only hope he isn't planning on ditching me. I wouldn't put it past him but I manage to convince myself that he will somehow come back. I sit and wait for ten minutes wondering why is he taking so long. He is probably doing this to annoy me, or maybe he just isn't planning on coming back. I begin to contemplate leaving without him and going back to work. I'd have to explain to Peter what happened. He'd understand. He told me that Louis could be a handful. Maybe I should call him and explain.

Just as I am ready to leave I see Louis strolling casually down the street towards me. This time he is alone. I am angry, he took forever, I specifically told him not to. I want to shout and leave him on the roadside but isn't that what he wants? he wants a reaction. He reaches my car and climbs in to the passenger seat. The bitter smell of smoke hits me as soon as he enters the confined space. I screw my face up in disgust, the smell is repulsive. It's none of my business really though, if he wants to destroy his lungs, I say let him. I don't care , as long he doesn't smoke near me.

"You're not saying anything?" He asks and I can see he's smirking out the corner of my eye. I ignore him as I watch the road. Gripping the steering wheel tighter than ever.

"It's just, you normally won't shut the fuck up." He antagonises but no matter how hard it is not to, I won't react.

"When someone speaks to you, you know it's rude not to answer, right?"
He says sarcastically as if I should care. I ignore him again and he scoffs and mutters to himself. I don't even need to have heard what he said to know it was an insult of some sort. He doesn't say anything else and I am glad, I really don't have the energy to fight with him anymore. I don't think I ever really did anyway.

Silence fills the small space between us and I know we are nearing our destination. I sigh with relief when I see a sign post confirming that the garage is only half a mile away. I notice Louis digging around in his pockets, it is no longer silent as he curses under his breath. I raise an eyebrow as he drags something out of his pocket. He puts a cigarette in his mouth, lights it, and takes a long drag. Is he serious? . How dare he do that in my car? He didn't even ask.

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