chapter four

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"Get them down you then, Lad!" I role my eyes as Louis slides a circular tray of shots towards Harry. This isn't fun. Not in the slightest. Since he has turned up everything has become the Louis show and it actually sickens me. I'm not even sure what the point in me and Sophie being here is.

Louis has been drinking tonight but not to the extent that Harry has. Instead, he has been buying in the drinks and giving them to Harry. Whiskey, Voddy, Cocktails, Beers, you name it, Louis has paid for Harry to have it. I wonder for a while about why he is doing this, because it certainly isn't a rare act of kindness. I highly doubt that is possible. Is he trying to get him drunk?

Harry downs a shot and laughs as he nearly spills half of the transparent liquid down his partly unbuttoned shirt. His pathetic antics to impress Louis certainly aren't going down as well with Verity. She looks sour as he fools around childishly. They have ignored us ever since the others left and Harry and Verity still aren't speaking to each other. I have ignored Louis the entire time and surprisingly he hasn't said anything much to me. No taunting, nothing.

"So, birthday boy, I have an idea." Louis announces.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah. How would you feel about me lining up a little action for you tonight?" He asks, a smirk playing on his lips. He knows what he is doing and I have no doubt that it will work.

Harry and Sophie like each other, and although they fight a lot, I have no doubt that one day they could be together. Harry wants her and I know Verity well enough to confidently say she wants him right back. Louis is making me hate him even more right now. He is messing between them, trying to make her feel disposable; he wants Harry to ruin things for himself. Right in front of the girl he likes. I know he has been drinking but Verity won't care. She will take it just the same as she would if he was sober but Louis is clever enough to know that.

"Don't you dare" I mouth across the table as his blue eyes catch my own in a glance, he chuckles to himself. My friend is looking down, tapping away furiously on her phone. Louis has not got a care for anyone else in the world, he always gets his way.

"What kind of action?" Harry asks sarcastically, trying to act clueless. I am secretly praying that he saves his own arse right now and doesn't play into what Louis is doing.

"Don't play dumb with me."

"What? What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean; do I really need to spell it out?" Louis says sarcastically, the smirk reappearing on his face.

"Go on." Harry taunts and Louis laughs aloud. He has been waiting for this chance and now he has got it.

"You always were popular with the ladies, Styles. We will have some visitors very soon back at my place and they want to show you a good birthday the best way that they can." Louis says and laughs loudly. "I know you'd like that."

"You know me too well."

The two boys laugh together and I watch as Harry's face lights up at the things Louis is implying. I feel sick as Verity pulls her coat off the back of her chair in anger.

"V, no, I didn't mean-"

"Well how else is there to mean it?!" She explodes, cutting him off before he can even finish sentence.  He attempts to sit her back down and nearly trips over a chair. Glad to know he finally acknowledges her existence.

"Look, I'm sorry."  He slurs trying to pull her back.

"You make me sick. I couldn't give a shit what you do anymore." She spits, pushing him away. He sits back down in defeat as she strides out of the restaurant. I gather my belongings to follow.  Louis did this, and he's so bloody proud of himself.

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