Chapter 3:

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It was time to say goodbye. 

All my friends and family were standing in my room, and by the looks on their faces, I could tell that they were trying hard not to cry. I had my suitcase packed up and I was ready to go. Or I told myself I was ready. How is someone supposed to just pack up and leave behind their whole life? All their friends? Family? And never keep contact with any of them again? Or at least until the whole thing dies down. But still, it was horrible!  

I was being sent away. The police called it Witness Protection but I knew in reality, it was just me going into hiding. In a new place with a new identity. With new friends and a new family. I didn't even know where I was going. It could be just the next city over or a completely new country but I wouldn't know until I got there. Maybe this was for the best. Collin wouldn't stop until I was dead. And I didn't want more of my friends to end up dead because of me.    I got up and went around the room talking to each of my friends separately.   

Sasha stood with tears in her hazel eyes. She was this girl that I danced with since I was little.   

"So you can't be in contact with us at all?" She asked me through watery eyes.  

I shook my head no. I didn't trust myself to speak. If I did, I knew I would lose it.  

After saying the last goodbye, Kyle Mornton led me to the car that would escort me to the airport. He opened the door and slid in after me. Kyle was the PI for my case. He had been trying to find the gang that had shot me and has been causing trouble to the city for years.

"You understand all the instructions right?" He asked me, his dark eyes darting back and forth.

 I nodded fervently.

"Under no circumstances are you allowed to contact your family or friends. If you do, then we will have to move you again. Also, you can't tell anyone about this. No matter how much you end up trusting them." He repeated the instructions that I had heard ten times. With one hand, he swept his black hair from his eyes.

 I looked out the window sighing. I couldn't even watch the city go by in peace. Shouldn't I be allowed at least that? I mean, I might never see this place again and I grew up here. 

"Okay! I get it! I can't live my old life or think about it and I can't live my new life in peace either cos I can't ever trust anyone. I get it. I'm gonna follow all the instructions. Happy?" I sputtered.

He sighed. "I'm sorry Lucy. I know you don't want to be going through all of this. I promise you, that I will work my butt off on this case. I will find the gang and we will have you back. Can you trust me to do this?" I nodded. 

Soon enough, we were at the airport. Kyle got out first and after making sure that the surroundings were safe, he held his hand out for me. I took it and awkwardly got out the car. I never understood how the girls in movies got out of the car so fashionably. It was an awkward position to bend. 

A worker put my bags on the cart and pushed them inside. We already had the tickets so we just needed to go through the security check. Kyle walked with me the whole way trhough and once we got to the gate, he pulled out a file. 

"Lucy, here is your ticket. It also has your new ID and everything you need to know. It has a new cell phone, a passport, liscence, and I have some key numbers that you should put into your cell phone. And to keep yourself busy, there's a bio about you in there. You need to read it and memorize it in case someone asks you. You will have another P.I. over there in case you run into trouble. Oh, and the packet also has info about your new family. Memorize that too." I took the file from his hands and put it in my bag. 

"Kyle, where am I going?" I asked desperately.

"I can't answer that because someone could overhear. The location is in the packet and you can only open it once you get on the plane." He spoke to me in a whisper.

"Ummm... If someone was trying to find out where I am going, couldn't they just look at the name at my gate?" He smiled. 

"We have all that figured out. We called the airport and they agreed to switch up the names. So you won't really be going to the city that's on the gate."

"Wow. What about the other passengers?"

"They're being told the real gate number when they check in. They don't know why it happend. They think it's just a mixup."

"Oh. Kyle? I will be able to come back right?" 

He looked at me sadly. "I don't know. We can pray that you will and that this whole thing will be over soon, but in reality, few of these cases never get solved." I looked down at my sneakers, trying to blink back tears.

Soon, it was time for my flight to leave. I stood up to get in line. "Kyle, please protect my family and friends. And protect yourself too. I don't want you to rsk your life for me. You have a family too." He nodded and I got in the line to board the flight. I handed the lady my ticket and she smiled at me. "Vacation?" I nodded to be polite. 

Once I got inside the plane, another air hostess led me to my seat. Thank God it was a window seat. 

30 minutes later, the plane had been boarded and it looked like the seat next to me would be empty. I guess that was planned.  

"Where's seat 34B?" Great. I slowly raised my hand. "Thanks!" I payed no attention to whoever it was as they sat down. "I'm Gavin." I turned around and saw and bright green eyes. 

"Umm... Hi.. I'm.. Ugh.." Crap. I didn't know my new name. 


"What?" My eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"You have your plane ticket out and it says Val." He told me, letting a slight smile envelop his lips.

"Oh. Yeah! Val! Sorry!" I laughed nervously, running a hand through my hair,

"Is that short for something? Like Valerie?"  I nodded but I wasn't completely sure.

"So why are you going to London?" London. That's where I was going. 

"I'm actually going back. I came to America for a while as a part of a Foreign Exchange Student Program." I knew that much since Kyle had told me. 

Gavin nodded and ran his hand through his dark brown hair. I couldn't help but stare at his eyes. And his full lips. And his chiseled face. God. this was going to be a long flight.

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