Chapter 5:

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I lay awake, staring at the ceiling. I was going to start school at Thebis International School tomorrow. I can't believe I had already been here for over a week. I turned onto my side facing the other bed. Tori was already asleep.

I hadn't been getting any sleep since I came here. I guess I wasn't used to the time difference yet. I closed my eyes and hoped that I would go to sleep. It didn't work.

I got up and slowly tiptoed to the door, not wanting to wake Tori. I made my way to the kitchen and turned the single light on. Maybe if I drank some warm milk, I could go to sleep. I read that it worked somewhere. I pulled out a carton of milk, poured it, and warmed it up for 30 seconds.

I decided to read my file while drinking my milk. I had to make sure that I knew everything about me for tomorrow. I knew questions would be asked. Everyone was always curious about the new kid.

I put the glass of milk down and opened the folder, flipping through the pages to find my "biography".

"Why are you up?" I jumped. I turned around to see Callan standing there in his sweatpants. Why don't guys ever like to wear shirts? I mean, he has a nice body and all but why do they prefer being shirtless? Just to show off? "Are you gonna answer me or just stare at me?"

I shook my head. "Sorry. I couldn't sleep so I came to get some milk and then I decided to read my file again to prepare for tomorrow."

He sat down on the stool next to me, reading my files over my shoulder. "Is that supposed to be like your biography?" I nodded and he took the paper. He started reading it over. "Seriously? You're a small town girl from WestChester and after your parents died, you got put in the foster care system and we adopted you? You're name is Val and you are on the chess team and placed 1st at the Auxen Chess Competition 2 years ago." He looked at me.

"Yeah. I have never played chess before in my life. And I don't know why they're so specific. What if someone googles it?"

"That's what you're worried about? They made you a freakin' nerd! You should be happy that you're pretty or you would be facing the life of a loser!"

I gasped! "Hey! I'm not a nerd! And sorry for being worried about my cover being blown! It's only a life or death situation!" I got up and started to walk to the sink to put down my glass when I realized that he had just called me pretty. "Wait, did you just say that I was pretty?"

He turned red and started to look around the room. I guess he hadn't realized that he had said that. "Uhm... no.. I mean, you're not ugly.. I think I should go to bed. Bye."

I caught up to him and grabbed his hand. "No wait! It's fine! I'm just teasing you. Please stay! I am so bored and I have no one to talk to!"

He thought about it for a minute and then said, "I'll stay if you make me breakfast."

I started to turn red before I sheepishly replied saying, "I can't cook."

"Don't all girls know how to cook?" My mouth dropped open.

"Sexist pig!" I playfully punched him in the arm.

"You mean sexy hunk!" He wiggled his eyebrows as he said that.

I don't know why but I started laughing, hard! I bent over at the waist, holding my stomach. Soon enough, Callan joined me and we were both laughing.

"Why, why are we, we laughing?" he said in between laughing.

I shook my head. "How did you get sexy hunk from sexist pig? I mean I get the sexy part but hunk from pig?"

"Is that seriously why you're laughing? Why is that so funny?"

"I don't know! Why'd you join along?"

He started laughing again as he tried to explain it. "You're laugh! It's hilarious! Seriously!"

"Hey! It is not!" I couldn't help but laugh along though! My laugh was pretty funny sometimes! I hated it!

I grabbed onto the counter to try and calm myself down but I accidentally knocked over my glass, spilling milk all over my files.

My eyes went wide for a second and Callan went silent. We both looked at eachother and started laughing again. Seriously, what was wrong withus??

Callan grabbed some paper towels and we started to wipe up the mess. My files were too long gone though.

Callan held up the file. "What are you gonna do now? You have no more information on what to do."

"I don't know. I guess I'm gonna have to make it work for a couple more days until I get a call from Kyle, the detective in charge of my case." I started to laugh again.

"How are you laughing? Isn't this bad?"

"Bad? Please! This isn't newly as bad as the rest of my life has been lately!"

He sat down next to me with his hand on my lap. "I know I can't help what's alreaady been done but if you need to talk, you can always come to me."

I smiled. "Thanks. But come on! I was having fun! Don't get all sappy on me now!"

"Fine! Sorry for trying to be a nice guy!"

We were quiet for a while but I started thinking about the laughing fit we had had and the thought made me laugh again. I got up and said, 'I guess I can make you mac and cheese. It's the only thing I know how to make!"

"For breakfast?" he asked skeptically.

"Yes! And stop being judgy! I'm offering to cook for you even after your sexist comment! You best take it!" I pointed the wooden spoon I had just pulled out of the drawer at him.

He put his hands up in surrender. "Okay! I'm sorry! I'd be delighted to have your mac and cheese!"

Just then, Tori walked into the kitchen looking like a mess. "Keep it quiet! Some people actually want to be sleeping at 4:30 in the morning!" Gosh! Someone was grumpy when they didn't get their sleep!

"Sorry sis!" I looked at Callan who looked genuinely sorry.

"Shut up!" She grabbed glass of water, filled it up, and left without saing another word to either of us. We stayed quiet until we heard her door close and then we started laughing.

I know I shouldn't be this happy with everything that had been going on but what can I say? It felt good to laugh.

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