(18) "Uncharted Waters"

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"So when is Tris coming out of the Psych Ward?" Connor asked while he, Brad, Caleb and James are gathered around the dinner table eating pizza. "To be honest, I don't know" Brad replied while keeping his head down. The curly haired lad had a nightmare last night about himself and Tris getting ridiculed by everyone in town after coming out to them as a couple. For some reason, the dream felt like it's in the 19th century, where being homosexual is considered as an abomination.

He didn't wanna see their end in his dream, but he did.

"Brad are you alright?" Caleb asked and she suddenly snapped back to reality.

"What? Yes ... yes" he replied, lying to them.

"How about your parents, are they alright now?" James asked.

"Dad's back in the house, nothing new" the curly haired lad replied and looked at James. One of things Brad likes the most about him is his ability to change the topic quickly, and with just one look .. James got his message.

"Okay .. so let's talk about Connor. Found the owner of the dick you sucked?" he teased the youngest lad. Connor started eyeing him in return.

"Just kidding bro ... but seriously did you find him?"

"No" Connor replied and just sighed.

"Wright isn't that big. How can you not find him?"

"Maybe he doesn't live here" Caleb uttered and got an immediate approval from Connor. "Caleb thank you for having a common sense that these two clearly don't have" Connor then added, causing James and Brad to start laughing.

"At least we don't do threesomes" Brad said as his form of comeback at him.

"You didn't?"

"I mean I did, before. But I made sure they're both girls" he then answered. "At least you did" Connor then told him as he got up and brought the empty pizza boxes to the the trashcan.

"Just accept it dude, you sucked a dick. No biggie, you can suck ours if you want" James said, causing everyone to laugh. Connor in return, took out the boxes and threw it at him instead. Making everyone more hysterical. It's times like this that makes Brad wish Tris around, not for him but for his best friend not to miss enjoying these little happy moments .


Tristan's heart is beating fast, for today is like 'Judgement Day' for him. The MRI test right after lunch break will determine if he gets to stay here longer or if his medications can take care of his condition. The blonde haired lad thinks he's getting better, even though there are still times where he can't tell illusion from reality .. at least they're not of the same magnitude as before. His hallucinations right now are more made of fragments of memories he suppressed throughout the years. They're not the scary senseless ones he had before.

"Do you wanna see something different than these walls" Luke asked while they're changing clothes. "Sure .. where?" the blonde haired lad asked his roommate.

The two then got out of the their room and went to the storage area at the end of the left wing hallway. "What are we doing here?" Tristan asked Luke after seeing piles of nurse's clothes and plastic containers.

"We're going to the rooftop"

"What? We're not allowed to"

"That's why we're gonna have to do a disguise" Luke replied and then winked at him. "Is it just me or you're getting more attractive as each day pass by?" Tris thought to himself, pertaining to Luke. The blonde haired lad is trying his best to block any of his roommate's advances. Tris loves Brad, only Brad .. and he must always remember that.

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