(25) "Open Up"

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 As soon as Brett left, Brad got on to his laptop to search who Luke Hemmings is. After a few minutes, Brad found a list of people under the name of it. He then narrowed it down and finally found who he thinks is the right person.

 "Luke Hemmings, 19 years old ... from Blake" Brad uttered, reading the first line of the note about the blonde haired gorgeous faced Luke. His fears are only realized when he found out that he is indeed staying in the same Psych Ward with Tris.

 But there's this one question in his mind, should he believe Brett?.


 Both of Tristan's parents spent the entire morning trying to talk to the group of doctors in hope of letting Tristan out. The blonde haired lad meanwhile, is in the room he shares with Luke. "I'm going to introduce you to them" Tris told his roommate.

 As soon as Luke heard that Tris might go home today, he became a bit upset.

 There's a part of Tristan that wants to stay and help Luke get better but there's a bigger part of him that just wants to go back home. He misses a lot of people, he missed a lot of things already. He can't stay here that long or else he'll put his entire future on hold.

 "Luke cheer up, I'll still visit you"

 "Yeah I know. it's just .. I've grown close to you"

  "I've grown close to you as well, I promise I will visit you and we can still hang out" Tris then stared at Luke. He did not turn his eyes away until his roommate started smiling. "I'm gonna miss you" Tris uttered and then wrestled Luke in bed.

 The door then opened and so they literally pulled away form each other. "Mum .. this is Luke" Tris uttered as he stood up. his roommate then proceeded to smile at Mrs. Evans. She in return, hugged him as tight as she could thanked her for saving his life.

 "It's my fault he was in danger anyways"

 "It's not , trust me" Tris told him.

 "Honey, tomorrow you'll be able to come home"

 "Really?" Tris asked as he started smiling.

 "Yeah. But you have tons of therapy sessions to go to"

 "That's alright" the blonde haired lad replied. This is it, he's going home tomorrow.


 James looked at the mirror, but he can't see himself. "How can they hide it from me?" he asked his reflection . How can they remove one person entirely from his life and not let him know about it?. What's worst is that everyone knows about her, everyone except for him.

 He then returned to his bed after a few moments and decided to call Erica.


 "Are you free today?"

 "Yeah. Why?"

 "We have to meet. I have a lot of questions"


"I don't even know how we met" Victoria told Nick.

"It's Adrian's party that night"

 "Adrian .?." Connor thought to himself before remembering who he is. He and Victoria went that night to Adrian Gomez's birthday bash.

 "Adrian Gomez" the young lad then uttered.

 "Exactly" Nick said before adding "You and I are dancing and then he came, a few moments after the tree of us are up for a drink. We went back to your place after you said you have the house to yourself. We had a little party, drank a couple of bottles of beer before proceeding to your bedroom. You seriously can't remember at all?"

 "If we do, we wouldn't be here" Connor answered sarcastically

 "We're that wasted?" Victoria asked.

 "Yeah. I'm actually surprised"

 "You don't drink Victoria, remember?"

 "Yeah" she replied and just sighed. Connor doesn't drink either, and now that things are slowly starting to make sense .. he promised himself not to drink at any party ever again.

 "So that's it?" she then asked Nick.

 "As far as I know. I couldn't even remember some things myself" he replied and then laughed a bit. "You're no help at all" Connor then muttered.

 "Excuse me? Dude then you should leave"

 "Connor , he helped us a lot okay?"

 "He didn't, Victoria .. just be honest .. you like him" Connor cannot explain how that came out of his mouth. Is he jealous that Victoria is very fond of Nick? does he actually like her?

 "Connor, if there's one person here that you should get mad at it's me. I took your virginity, not him" she replied and then sighed.

 "Do you have friends?" Victoria then asked Nick.

 "Yeah, what do you think of me? A loner?"

 "No. Not at all" she replied. A long moment of silence and awkwardness then happened. It was only broken after Connor stood up and told Victoria they're leaving.

 "Already? I was trying to measure how long can we go without talking to each other" Nick told them as they headed towards the door. Victoria stopped by the door and thanked Nick.

 "My pleasure" he replied and then winked at them. Connor gave him a side eye

 "Umm. If you want, you can be friends with us too" Victoria said and then handed him her card.

 "I'll consider"

 "Victoria come on" Connor then uttered as they headed towards the car. The young girl then followed him and they started walking away from Nick.

 "Hey Connor!" he then turned around and looked at him. 

"I'm just kidding! You totally sucked my dick!" Nick yelled before closing his door. The young lad then saw the people walking around staring at him. He never felt so embarrassed in his life.

 "Nick, you're dead" he thought to himself.


 "So what's gonna happen tomorrow morning?" Luke asked Tris while they're lying in bed. A few more hours from now and he's gonna leave this place. As much as Tris wants to go home, he can't deny that he's gonna miss having his roommate around. He stayed here for almost a month after all

 "I'm going home"

 "And I'll be alone"

 That's when a wonderful thought came to the blonde haired lad's mind. "Okay Luke I have a proposition"

 "What is it?"

 "I want you to get better .. like really really better. And as soon as you are, you can have a vacation stay in my home"

 "Really?" Luke asked and so Tris nodded.

 "All you have to do is get better"

 "I will" Luke then replied and grinned at him.


that's it for this chapter guys ^^ what do you think? please vote and comment  :D sorry it's boring .. but that's because  I'm saving all the good parts for the next one. 

 What answers will James get from Erica? What will happen when Tris finally comes home to Brad? And will everyone welcome Nick to their group?


 the next part is the MID BOOK FINALE so expect a lot of things (Tradley reunion) x ;)





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