(43) "Back to Life"

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It's finally Monday morning , and the group of young people went back to the town of Wright to continue their everyday lives. Brad and Tris on the other hand decided to slip school for the day and just hang out. It's no problem for Tristan since his credits are more than enough, he can practically graduate tomorrow if he wants to. The same cannot be said for Brad though, as he still needs to do some extra credits in order for him to pass.

 "Are you sure you two won't go to school today?" Mrs. Evans asked them.

 "We're tired. Mum I promise we'll make up tomorrow"

 "Okay then" she replied and went back to the kitchen"

 "How's your?..." Brad asked in a whispering manner.

 "My what?"

 "Your bum?"

 "It still hurts like hell"

 "Good" Brad replied and then smirked at him.

 "I hate you .. umm Brad? , I suggest we look for colleges now"


 "Yes dude. You're not planning to stay in this shitty town aren't you?" Tris asked and as soon as Brad nodded, they went online to search for schools.

 The blonde haired lad looked at Brad and immediately saw in his face that he is not interested at all. Tris then remembered that time when they all first started applying for college, Brad was the only one who decided to stay behind because he is feeling 'sick'.

 "Don't you wanna try Oxford?"

 "Nah" Brad answered as he searched for more.

 "Do yo wanna go with me?"

 "Yeah ... but do you know where you wanna go?"

 "Not yet unfortunately" Tris replied before letting out a sigh.


Connor then dove Victoria towards their house. The young guy is trying his bets to contain himself but he just can't. He's too madly in love with her to do that. 

"We had a nice weekend" Victoria whispered as soon as they got in front of her house.

 "It is" Connor replied before smiling at her.

 "I think what happened back at that cabin is sweet ... how everyone kind of fell in love with each other ... literally"

 "Brad and Tristan ... who would have thought?"

 "I think they're cute though" Victoria uttered.

 "Yeah .. I mean .. they look so in love .. so adorable together"

 "I wish we are too" Connor whispered

 "What?" Victoria asked.

 "Nothing" he replied before he started gathering her stuffs. "What about Nick ? how is he?" Connor asked Victoria, which caused a sudden awkward silence to envelop the car.

 "I don't know .. I hope he's good" Victoria replied as she got out of the car. Connor followed her and apologized, he knows how much Nick means to Victoria .. and besides, he doesn't want to ruin what the two of them have.

 "It's alright ... I just wish he would you know just text us at least" she replied before leaving Connor outside.

The young guy just sighed and drove away, but while he's gaining distance from her house .. he thought of something. "Okay let's do this" Connor told himself as he took a turn towards Nick's house.


"Thank you James" Hazel whispered after kissing him on the cheeks.

 "For what?"

 "For being the guy that i want you to be"

 "You do know you're gonna make me cry right?"

 "That's what I'm hoping for" she replied before playfully slapping him on the face. James took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a bit. 11 weeks is all they have left , after that who knows what will happen to them? ... after they part ways ... will they still be able to see each other?.

 "James? Are you alright?"

 "Yeah" he replied, before opening his eyes.

 "Things are good now right ... we won't get to see bad days anymore"

 "I hope so Hazel .. I hope so"


Brad and Tris spent the entire morning watching television and looking at a list of universities the curly haired lad can possibly go to.

Bradley looked at the clock and saw that it's 10:00 am , "Where did your Mum go?" he then asked Tris. "Probably at the grocery ... her birthday is coming soon, you should come" the blonde haired lad replied while checking his email.

"Maybe now we should cum"

 "What? Bradley I'm not gonna have sex with you anytime soon" Tris replied as he stood up from the chair and moved away from Brad.

 Suddenly, they both heard the doorbell ringing. Tris ran and opened it , only for Brad to see a tall blonde haired , blue eyes , gorgeous faced lad standing on the other side. He then looked at Tris and saw how shocked he is.

 "Hello Tristan" the boy said happily.

 "Hello .. Luke" Tris replied before smiling at him.

 Brad's heart  dropped, that dude's name is familiar. "Oh crap ... shit that's him" he whispered to himself after realizing that Tris's visitor is the same Luke that Brett is talking about. He's the guy that he's supposed to be seeing when they were in the asylum.

 The curly haired lad slowly got up and approached the new blonde haired boy.

 "You must be Luke"

 "Yeah , nice to meet you man. You're Bradley right?"

 "Yes ... I'm Tristan's boyfriend"


that's it for this part guys ^^ yup with Luke around what will happen next? :)




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