First day.

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It was my first day at school, no friends, new look, and a new start. I walked into the school looking at my map every second I could without bumping into the obnoxious kids who chose to stand right in the middle of the hall. I found my locker and put the things in that I didn't really need until after lunch. I started down the hall again, looking down at my map of the school every turn. suddenly, turning another corner, i bumped into someone. Looking up, I see a girl with big Blue eyes and Brown hair staring down at me.

"im so sorry." I say as she just stares. "I didn't see you there..." just babbling on about how sorry I am. She held her hand up.

"stop talking." she demanded. "you're the new girl, right? you should stick with us. I'm Ally." she smiled. "that's Ashley, And this is Heather" To the right of Ally was Heather, she had Bleach blonde hair with red tips, she was a little bit taller than me and I had to look up to her just a little bit. Her eyes were a light shade of green and they sparkled if the light hit them just right. Ashley was the tallest of the group but since im only 4'11" its not very hard to be taller than me. She had blonde hair as well with brown roots so you could tell it wasn't natural. Her eyes were a dark brown almost black.

"So Sam? Right ? " I shook my head yes "wheres your first class?" Ashley asked smiling down at me

"right down the hall... Mr. Daniels." I said as we all started walking down the hall together. I had come 15 minutes early and now I was 5 minutes late for first period. out of the corner of my eye i saw a girl running my way, probably also late to class. She zoomed past me knocking my books outta my hands.

"Shit." i swore under my breath. Ashley started laughing but Ally glared at her and she shut up. Heather bent down to help me and asked if i was okay. i shook my head yes and we started walking again. I got to the class room and waved goodbye to the girls and slowly slipped into the classroom and stood by the door to scope out an empty seat. There was only one empty seat so i went straight to it, Not wanting to talk to the teacher cause im pretty sure he'd embarrass me. As soon as i sat down he looked at me.

"Hi, you must be Samantha Brooks." His smile lit up the room, he walked over to me. He had dark brown hair and he was about 6 foot. I smiled back but I could feel my face get hot with my embarrassment. "Samantha, we're doing a project with our table partners. You don't mind working with Hannah do you?" he asked pointing to the girl who sat next to me, still getting everything together. "no, i don't mind." I spoke quietly. He walked back up to the front of the class, everyone still staring at me. I could feel my face get even hotter.

"Hi, im Hannah. I think i ran into you this morning. I'm really sorry about that." Hannah said not once looking at me. She was shuffling papers around that were already graded. "Found it!" she said a little louder than she wanted to. She got up from the desk and turned in her homework from im guessing last night. She returned to her seat she finally looked at me. "okay, Now i can actually introduce myself. " she had long brown hair it was all curly, she had braces but that just made her cute, Her eyes were a blue grey color. The instant she looked at me my heart melted, and i was speechless. I opened my mouth to say something but the bell rang. Had it really been and hour? i knew i was late but i didnt think i was that late. I looked up at the clock. it say 9:00, So i sighed and took out my schedule as i headed out of the room. Ally, Ashley, & Heather met me outside of the class room and they walked me to my next class. Nothing interesting happened in Mrs. Grants class. Time flew by and pretty soon the bell rang for my next class which i hoped i had with Hannah. My heart jumped just thinking about how her smile made me smile.

I walked into the class and found my seat, i was sitting at a table all by myself when someone touched my shoulder. "Hey there." she said with a giggle. i turned around and i saw Hannah. I smiled.

"Hi." i said and looked back at the desk so she wouldn't see how red my face turned. About a half an hour i got her number cause i was new to the town and she wanted to show me around and i saw her schedule. we had every class but our second period together. i got really happy. The rest of the day was sort of boring. Hannah was no where in sight. So i drew most of the day.

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