the ask

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i woke up early the next morning to a call from Fallwood Jail. "hello?" i answered tiredly. 

"Sam? is that you?" the voice spoke. I sat up in bed, my heart froze and i couldn't breath. "Sam i know im the last person you want to hear from but, i wanted you to know im getting out tonight at 7." My eyes filled up with tears, In my head i was screaming 'my daddy's coming home' but my heart broke for my mother. She told him she never wanted to see him again and i don't blame her, i agree with her. i really dont wanna see him ever again. He left us for that little tramp

"you know what Matthew" i said, using his name instead of calling him dad. "you can stay the hell away from mom and I. you broke her, shes so depressed i worry about her. you're an asshole, and i hate you. Good freaking bye" i screamed into the phone and hung up. the anger flew through me. i needed a cold shower to cool me down. I grabbed a towel and jumped in the shower. slowly calming down i got out and dried off. i decided to curl my hair today.  i dried my hair waiting for my hair curler to heat up. After it heated up i curled it and got dressed. make up was sort of a waste of time, i didn't feel like wasting anymore time. It was 6:30 and i had to be at the school by 6:50 so I got in my car an left for school. 

I got to school a little later thank i wanted to but i was still on time. I walked into the school and went straight to my locker. I got everything i needed and met up with Ally and the gang.

"So, Sam, you gonna go to homecoming this weekend? it is formal." Ally asked me. i shrugged my shoulders. "im not really sure, i would love a date but im not sure if anyone would go with me since im new and all." i said looking at the ground. 

"well hey, you can ask anyone. Hell you can ask Hannah, y'all look like you could be..." my heart began to race, wondering what she was getting at "great friends, and she'd probably say yes cause shes a super nice girl." I got less tense and thought about it. "well if you can find me a dress, ill ask her." i said laughing cause they would never find a dress for me to wear to homecoming. Dresses weren't my thing cause i never looked good in them. 

"we'll take you dress shopping after school, so hurry your ass up and ask her." Heather said, I shook my head in agreement and i walked to class with the girls right behind me. i waved goodbye to the girls and ran to my seat next to Hannah.

"so Hannah, i have a question to ask you." i told her, She picked her head up from the desk and smiled at me. "ask away Sammi." i smiled, no one called me that and i liked that she did. i knew from the moment i saw her i would really like her, and that was yesterday. My heart raced as i went for the ask. "so you know homecomings this weekend right? well i dont know anyone else and i really want to say that i went with friends to my first homecoming at this school but Ally and her little group dont seem much as dancers.... " i was babbling and i knew it but i couldn't stop. "so i was wondering if you would... you know... wanna go with me?" i finally got it out and she just smiled at me, not giving me an answer. 

finally about halfway into the class she slipped me a note while Mr. Daniels was giving a huge long speech about how cellphones would be the death of our generation. i looked at it and in big red letters was the word 'YES' with tons of hearts all around it. i smiled and got all nervous, now i had to find the perfect dress for the dance since i was going with her. I was all jittery until lunch.


"so, Sam, did you ask Hannah?" Ally asked as we walked to our lunch table. i smiled and looked down at the ground. "yeah i asked and she said yes, sooooo we gotta find the perfect dress for homecoming or else im just gonna wear jeans like i normally do." Ally glared at me. "of course we're gonna find the perfect dress for you, look who you're talking to." she said and sat down. 

the rest of lunch was boring, same old Heather talking about how her outfit she got yesterday was perfect and Ally just looking around for her "boyfriend" , which in my opinion is just using her for sex and i think its so degrading. 

the day went by fast after that and i was so happy when Ally pulled up in a soccer mom mini van. "get in loser we're going shopping" she said quoting mean girls. I just laughed as we zoomed away. 

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