Chapter 1

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Disclaimer- I do not own Sherlock or the characters... unfortunately. 

I sat across the table from Mycroft trying to avoid his gaze. I should have died in the army, the fact I was shot and only injured complicated things a little. I was meant to give my life for the county in war and in return my sister Harry would be looked after and not made a slave due to her debt but now I'm not in the army, I'm useless, and now my sister is in danger of becoming what I have tried to protect her from. I knew the ultimatum was coming.

"I have two options for you John." Mycroft said, "You could return to your normal life but that would mean your sister would no longer be getting support and consequently she would become a slave,"

For the first time I looked Mycroft in the eye. He couldn't do that to Harry, he couldn't offer hope only to take it away again, I would do anything for Harry.

"The other option is of course you become a slave instead of your sister, and once again this would be for life so we would fit you with one of the permanent collars and in return your sister would be looked after and get the help she needs." Mycroft continued and looking in his eyes I knew he already knew which one I would pick.

"You already know which one I'm going going to pick, your not leaving me much option" I said looking down, my voice getting quieter and quieter, "looks like I'm... I'm... going to become a... a slave" I said my voice breaking off. "your not going to change your mind are you?" I asked my voice barley audible.

"No, I'm not, if that's your final choice I have a number of forms for you to sign" He said.


I was standing in the room opposite the doctor; the door to my right opened and Mycroft walked in.

"Have you finished?" He said to the doctor.

"Almost, I'm just making sure everything works properly," The doctor replied, "Turn around John," He said and I obeyed. "So I have implanted it here you see and it connect into the brain, it can almost understand what Johns thinking. This means that when he is given an order it can understand whether he is going to obey or not. If he decides he isn't going to go do it then it will cause him pain and obviously the amount of pain it gives him depends on the severity of what he has done. Now of course his master can stop the pain or can cause the pain with just a verbal command. For example if you want to give him a small amount of pain you could say 'John- pain setting 1'" The doctor said and as soon as the words left his mouth pain spread through my body. It wasn't unbearable but it made it hard to think about anything else other than the pain. I heard the a voice say "Pain off" then seconds later I came back to my senses.

Only after the pain was shut off did I realise I was shaking holding my head in my hands.

"Amazing, but what I want to see is how bad the pain can get" Mycroft said behind me.

"Very well," I heard the doctor say, I clenched my fists and shut my eyes, I knew what was to come. "John- pain setting 10" The pain was excruciating, I lost complete control of my body. I felt the floor beneath me as I let out a blood curdling scream. My whole body was on fire, I felt as if I was drowning in lava that consumed my body; I struggled to breath as if my head had just sunk under the oncoming torrent of pain. Then suddenly the pain stopped, I curled into a ball trying to recover but I knew I wouldn't have long to rest.

"Delightful, you really have outdone yourself," I heard Mycroft say gleefully.

"And off course if you can't be bothered to say that full sentence or you are just to angry to say it you could tell him to heel instead and it would give him the same pain as if you had said pain setting 5. Now stand up John" I heard the doctor say but I ignored him and just curled tighter into a ball. Sharp pain spread through my limbs but quickly left not leaving me enough time to react. "This would be a good point to show you the mind control option, you simply say 'Activate control' then 'John' finally say the command so for example to make him stand up you say authoritatively 'John- stand up'" As soon as the doctor said it I lost all control of my body I stood up. I tried everything to make my body stop but it was as if I was a puppet on a string, I simply had no control, I felt helpless as if the last bit of my free will had been taken away. But I was still me and that was all that mattered!

John Watson the slave, Sherlock Holmes the master.Where stories live. Discover now