Chapter 6

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Slowly I came to, looking around I noticed I was in my room back at the apartment, what happened? I swung my legs off the bed, stood up, and went downstairs. Mycroft was sitting on a chair in the living room, Sherlock was nowhere in sight. Upon seeing Mycroft I suddenly remembered what happened earlier and groaned internally. Glancing at the clock I noticed it was 6:30 pm, wow I had been unconscious for hours, then I looked at him. Mycroft looked calm but it was Sherlock I was worried about, I did steal his money and run away, what would he do?

"Don't worry John, Sherlock is on his way. You see I knew what you were doing straight away but I was curious to see what Sherlock would do so I came here and waited for him to realise. Turns out Sherlock knew almost immediately, it was what he expected you to do, so we let you have a head start before coming for you. I had hoped you would try and run to some abolitionists so I could arrest some traitors at the same time, two birds with one stone I think some people call it, but Sherlock seemed to think you would try and get the tracker sorted first. Turns out he was right but that didn't stop me from hoping. Anyway, when I caught you I knocked you unconscious as you probably remember now, arrested that friend of yours, then brought you back here." He said quickly like when Sherlock when he does his deductions, then he sarcastically added, "Did you enjoy your little moment of freedom?"

I didn't reply I just stood there looking at him with hatred.

A few minuets later Sherlock came though the front door threw himself on the sofa and fell into his thinking position before saying, "Thank you, brother mine, good bye,"

"I hope Sherlock doesn't go too hard on you," Mycroft said with mock sympathy before he left leaving me alone with Sherlock.

"Sherlock..." I started but was interrupted.

"John- pain setting 10," Sherlock said calmly not looking in my direction.

The pain hit like a bomb; my back arched and I threw my head back letting out a scream before I hit the ground. My limbs betrayed me and I convulsed on the ground screaming and crying, I lost all sense of time, the pain could have been going on for days or even years for all I knew because the torture seemed to never end.

"What's going on?" I heard as though from a distance.

"Pain off," I heard Sherlock say not replying to the other voice.

Slowly the pain receded and I became aware of my surroundings; I stood up shakily and looked around to find my saviour. Mrs Hudson was standing in the hallway, her hands covering her mouth, "Oh Sherlock, why did you do that? What could John possibly of done to..." but was cut off by Sherlock jumping to his feet.

"Mrs Hudson, shouldn't you be making tea or something?" Sherlock said looking at her.

"Fine but keep the noise down!" She said leaving crossly muttering to herself.

Sherlock turned his gaze to me, "John, this is your last chance. I know your sister has recently died and, according to Wikipedia, people can do strange even rebellious things when they feel they have nothing to lose" he started, looking as if he didn't believe one word of what he was saying, "I will let you off this once, be thankful I'm busy and have a case to solve. Trust me, you wouldn't be getting away with this if I were bored. Now make yourself useful and..."

The phone rang cutting Sherlock off, "Where?" he asked quickly then hung up and headed to the door, "Come on John."

I followed him, still shaking, out the door grabbing my coat and scarf for the second time today on my way out, time to see another dead body.


We entered the old decrepit room filled full of police, and Anderson.

John Watson the slave, Sherlock Holmes the master.Where stories live. Discover now