Chapter 8

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The mentors had gathered on the balcony of Heavensbee Hall after lunch, ahead of their first official meetings with their tributes. Each mentor had been given a brief questionnaire to complete with their tribute's personal information for the Capitol to keep record.

Everyone struggled to hide their nervousness, but Coriolanus felt confident after meeting Louis already. He was completely at ease. Even eager to see him again.

Tables and chairs were spread out in orderly rows with district numbers and tribute names on each of them. Concrete blocks sat in the middle of the tables with metal rings. Peacekeepers stood guard by the main entrance while the tributes were brought in single file. There are heavy shackles on their wrists that were immediately attached to the rings.

Some of the tributes slouched in their seats while tilting their heads up to survey the new atmosphere. As their eyes traveled around the room, they eventually made contact with the mentors. The two groups found themselves locked in each another's gaze for a raw moment.

Professor Sickle broke the tension by clapping her hands together. "You have one hour! Use your time wisely and remember to complete the paperwork for our records!"

Coriolanus led the way down the steps that spiraled into the hall. When he saw the concern in Louis' eyes, he reassured him with a smile. It soon faded away when he saw the thick, heavy shackles on Louis' wrists.

"Excuse me," he gestures to the nearest Peacekeeper. "Would it be possible to have these removed?"

The officer shook his head.

Coriolanus sighed while sliding into the chair across from his tribute. "I'm sorry," he apologizes, even though it's not his fault.

"It's okay," said Louis, voice groggy. His hair was a bit undone, his face looked sad and tired, and a bruise still marred his cheek along with a dark ring around his neck.


Louis noticed he was staring and immediately felt self-conscious. He wraps the sweater collar around his neck and covered his cheek with a sleeve. "They're hideous, I know."

"They're healing," Coriolanus lied, trying not to cringe at the boy's strained voice.

"There's no mirrors, so I can only imagine how shitty I look." Louis uttered. "The guards couldn't get me ice or a medic."

"You need a cream. Something to fasten the healing process." Coriolanus suggested.

"How do I get a cream?" Louis asked with annoyance evident in his voice. He didn't mean for it to come across that way, but the pain and the Peacekeepers' negligence has him a bit wound up.

It dawned on Coriolanus that the tributes had never received any medical attention because they were thrown into the arena upon arrival. Things are different now, but with the way tributes were handled yesterday, he doubts Louis would be able to obtain a special cream that is scarce for most Capitol citizens.

Clearing his throat awkwardly, he finally says, "I'm not sure, actually...How are you otherwise?"

"Tired. Hungry," said Louis, voice devoid of emotion.

"I may be able to help with that." Coriolanus searches his bag for an edible gift Tigris suggested he give to Louis. "Here, I brought something from home this time." He unwraps the waxed paper to reveal a square of bread pudding. "You said you like sweet things."

Louis stared down at the gift with a distant gaze, as if his mind was somewhere else.

Coriolanus was concerned. "What's the matter? You don't like it?"

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