Chapter Eleven

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As soon as he drove away, Skye started tearing up. She went over to Coulson's door and knocked. He answered the door and looked at Skye.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
She started crying and fell into his arms.
"It's all ruined," she cried.
"What?" Coulson asked as he comforted her.
"Ward and I," she replied. "Ms. May told us not to kiss on school property and then we thought we were off school property and so we kissed and it turns out that we were an inch still on the property and so she told us we had to clean up the school tomorrow."
"She did, WHAT?!" Coulson yelled.
"And then Ward wanted to get you involved and I didn't because you're not my real dad and then he started suspecting that you weren't my real dad and so I freaked and said something back to him about his family and it really hurt him." Skye cried harder. "I HURT HIM COULSON!"
Then she broke down into a full melt down. Coulson hugged Skye and comforted her. He waited till she calmed down before leading her into the kitchen, sitting her down, and giving her a cup of water.
"You need to tell Ward about your dad," Coulson told her.
"What?!" Skye asked. "No! He would want to meet him! My dad would flip!"
Coulson sighed. "Just think about it. Do you need a ride home?"
Skye nodded. "Thanks Coulson."


Skye slapped her hand on her alarm to turn it off. Isn't it Saturday?! Why am I up this early?! Oh yeah.....I have to clean the trash. And Ward's gonna be there.......this is gonna be awkward. Skye got out of bed and got ready. She wore a tank top and shorts. It was super hot out. She left a note for her dad and drove off in her car.


She got out of her car and walked up to the school. They were supposed to clean up all the trash on the bleachers near the pool outside. She slipped on gloves and and grabbed a trash sack. She began picking up trash. Then she looked up to see Ward stroll in 15 minutes late. He grabbed a trash bag, put on gloves, and started picking up trash. They were silent. Skye looked at him. He looked down. They went on for another 15 more minutes. Then Skye looked at him and couldn't take it any longer.
"Ward," Skye started off. She sat down on a bleacher above him and looked at him. "I'm sorry, for hitting a soft spot about your family. I didn't know it was fragile. You just wouldn't listen to me and you said that my dad and me were different."
Ward sighed. "I forgive you. And I'm sorry too Skye. I should have just listened to you and kept my nose out of things."
Skye smiled. "I forgive you."
They continued to pick up trash. Skye bent down under the bleachers and picked up two empty cups. Ward wiped sweat off his forehead and groaned. It's so hot! Then he looked towards the pool. The nice cold pool. Hmmmm. Maybe I can make this fun. He took off his gloves and dropped the trash bag. He went down to the concrete by the water.
"Hey Skye!" He called. "Come look at this concrete! It looks so weird!"
Skye sighed and moved hair out of her face as she looked down at him. What?! She walked down next to him.
"Slip your shoes off," he told her. "Feel the concrete."
Skye took her shoes off and felt it with her bare feet. Ward took his off too.
"It feels fine to me," she replied, looking at him like he was talking nonsense.
"Look at that," he said.
"I don't see anything."
"Crouch down and look," he urged on.
She looked at him, very confused before crouching down, her back towards him. Then he put his hands on her back and shoved her in. She screamed and fell into the water. She came up to the waters surface, gasping for breath, her hair slick back.
"Oh I'm gonna get you for that!" Skye laughed.
Ward grinned and leaped in after her. He landed next to Skye. She smirked and shoved his head down back into the water. Then he grabbed her waist as she screamed. He pulled her underwater with him. He began tickling her as she started laughing underwater. Then he pulled her back up as they took a breath. They looked into each other's eyes as their heads slowly moved towards each other. Their noses slowly rubbed together as they began kissing. Ward put his hand on Skye's cheek.
"Oh Ms. May, we're kissing on school property," Skye joked.
Ward chuckled and smiled down at Skye.
They looked into each other's eyes.
"I love you so much," Ward said.
Skye smiled. "I love you too."
Then they heard a noise. May was coming.
"Skye! Ward!" She called.
"Quick!" Ward ordered. "Follow me!"
He grabbed her hand and pulled her underwater. He led her to the deep end of the pool, the floor of the pool, and against the wall. They held their breath for a long time. They finally couldn't hold their breath any longer and popped their heads up. She was gone. They looked at each other and both started laughing.
Ward took off his shirt and laid it in the sun on the concrete as they began swimming around in the pool. Then they ordered pizza and they still didn't get caught by May. They swam until it got dark and the pool lights came on. Then they went in the hot tub. Ward wrapped his arm around Skye and they began talking.
"I can't believe nobody's caught us yet," she laughed.
"Yeah, Ms. May probably gave up," Ward chuckled.
They kept on talking until Skye finally said she needed to go home.
"Come on let's get out," she said.
They climbed out and immediately felt the freezing cold air.
"Ahh it's so cold!" Skye shrieked and started laughing. (You have to remember she is in wet shorts and a wet tank top.)
Ward put his shirt back on and looked at Skye.
"I have my jacket in my car come here," he told her and took her hand.
He unlocked his car and took out his nice, warm, leather jacket. He slipped it around Skye as she shivered. Ward grinned and drew her into a warm hug.
"Come sit in my car I'll turn the heater on," he said.
They went in the back seats of his car as he turned the heater on. She sat down next to him as he wrapped his arms around her, trying to make her warm. She laid her head against his shoulder.
"You're awesome," Skye blurted out.
Ward laughed. "Well I do try."
"No I mean it," Skye went on. "Nobody's ever done anything like this. You have the greatest ideas. I love you."
"I love you too," Ward replied with a smile.
As soon as Skye was warm she said goodbye to Ward and left in her car.
On the way home, she thought about the day she just had and smiled. My boyfriend is awesome. Then she realized that she was gonna have to tell him about her father. She sighed. She got home to Cal waiting in the kitchen for her.
"I left you some dinner," he said.
"Thanks," Skye replied.
"Why's your hair wet?" He asked.
"I went swimming with friends," Skye half lied.
Ward is a type of friend.
"Oh," Cal said. "Since you and Lincoln can't seem to move things along, his parents and I are setting you two up a date tomorrow night."
Skye choked on her glass of water. "WHAT?!"
"I know it's embarrassing, but you two are too shy to make a move so the parents are stepping in."
Skye sat there, shocked. She wanted to scream. She wanted to just tell her dad everything. She wished he wouldn't get mad. She decided not to argue.
"Okay," she simply said, and went up to her room.

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