Chapter Seven

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The bell rang and Ward leaped out of his seat.
"Come on come on come on!" Ward said as he rushed Skye out of the classroom. He was beyond excited.
"Ok alright I'm going!" Skye said with a smile.
Ward sighed and reached down for her waist. He picked her up and started carrying her through the hall. Skye squealed, totally not expecting it. He carried her to her locker and carefully set her down.
"There. Now that was a lot quicker wasn't it?" He asked and smiled.
Skye rolled her eyes. "If you say so."
Then she put her books away and slammed her locker door shut. "No homework! Yes it's the weekend!"
Ward grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I thought you liked homework."
"I said I liked getting homework done," Skye corrected as She turned around to face Ward. "Who do you think I am, Jemma?"
They both started chucking as they walked hand in hand to Ward's car.
"So," Skye said. "You said you had a surprise, where are you taking me?"
"Well, you told me it was easier just to take you from school and not pick you up from your house so," Ward paused for attention. "I'm still not telling you."
Skye sighed. "What will I have to do?"
Then she smiled. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "There. Now will you tell me?"
"No," Ward said stubbornly.
Skye sighed and turned away.
"Come on," Ward said and wrapped him arms around her so she couldn't escape.
Skye felt the warmth of Ward's arms around her. She could feel his arms spreading love onto her. He loved her so much.
"Just play along. Trust me," Ward said.
Skye sighed. "Fine."
Then he opened the car door as Skye sat down. He closed it and got in on the other side. Skye had to admit, she was thrilled that Ward was taking her somewhere and had planned this whole thing out. She just was playing hard to get. She didn't feel comfortable sharing her feelings with someone since her dad would kill her if he found out. Ward started up the car and drove out of the parking lot.


"Close your eyes!" Ward yelled as they approached their destination.
Skye smiled and closed her eyes as Ward pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. He went around to the other side and opened up her door. He took her hand and guided her to the front of the parking lot. He put his hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her and grinned.
"Ok," he said. "You can open your eyes."
Skye opened her eyes and gasped. In front of her was a huge ferris wheel. Then she looked around to see a roller coaster, slides, and a bunch of tents.
"Surprise!" Ward said.
Skye stood their speechless. He brought me to the fair! It only comes once a year and is sixty-five dollars a ticket! Then her expression turned into a smile as she looked at him. Her eyes began to water. She fell into his warm hug.
"Oh Ward, you planned this out and everything and you bought us tickets and-"
"Oh it was nothing!" Ward said. "You don't need to get all teary-eyed about it."
Skye buried her head into Ward's shoulder so her tears wouldn't show.
"Hey are you ok?" Ward asked.
"Yeah," Skye said and cleared her eyes as she looked up at him. "It's just, nobody's ever done anything like this for me and-"
"Hey," Ward interrupted. "I'm gonna treasure you for the rest of my life whether we're together or not. So get used to this type of stuff ok?"
Skye grinned and hugged him. "Ok."
"Now," Ward said and wrapped his arms around her waist as he looked down at her.
"Who wants to go ride the Ferris wheel?!"
Skye laughed as Ward grabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd.


Skye squealed excitedly as her and Ward climbed in the cart of the Ferris wheel. She squeezed Ward's hand as he laughed at how ridiculous she looked. They slowly started going up as Skye felt butterflies in her stomach.  Then she realized they we're getting pretty high and leaned over the side excitedly peering down at all the people. She gasped like a little kid and turned back around. Then she leaned across Ward to look over the other side. Ward started laughing at how childish she was acting.
Skye looked back at him. "What?" 
Then she realized how ridiculous she looked. She started laughing and fell back into her seat.
"I'm sorry ok I just have never been to anything like this. I've never been to a fair let alone on a Ferris wheel." Then Skye looked down. "I probably look really unattractive right now."
Ward smiled as he pulled back her hair and kissed her. She closed her eyes and kissed him back.
"You seem pretty attractive to me," Ward replied.
Skye smiled. He had kissed her when they were at the very top of the Ferris wheel. Then it had stopped. Skye sighed as Ward wrapped his arm around her as she leaned her head on him. They slowly went downwards.

After that, Ward led Skye over to the roller coasters. They picked their seats at the very front. It started to pick up speed and zoom forward. Then it slowly climbed up the hill until it got to the very top. Then, it stopped.
Skye looked down anxiously. "Ward I don't know if-"
Then, it went flying down the hill. Skye screamed excitedly as Ward pulled her closer  happily.


"Ok, ok," Ward said after they had gotten off yet another roller coaster. "I let you choose which ones to go on now it's my turn."
"Which one do you want to go on?" Skye asked excitedly.
Ward grinned and pointed towards a black, creepy building. "The Haunted House."

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