Chapter 28

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Ward sighed as he wrestled around in bed. Who is Bob?! Is Skye cheating on me? What am I thinking?! She would never! But would she? Who is Bob?! He turned to the other side of the bed and groaned. I'm never gonna get any sleep.


"Hey Ward," Skye greeted as she met him at his locker. "Are you okay? You look tired."
"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep," Ward replied and looked down at her. She looks so innocent, how could she be cheating on me? What was I thinking?!
Ward closed his locker door and wrapped his arm around Skye as they walked to their first class. They sat down at their desk and pulled out their phones, the bell hadn't rung yet. Skye laughed quietly from a text she had just received. Ward slowly looked down at her phone without Skye noticing to see the name "Bob". He gritted his teeth back and forth. This can't be happening. Then the bell rung and they put their phones in their backpacks.
"Alright class," the teacher said dully while handing out a stack of paper. "These are math worksheets on trigonometry. I don't care if you understand it or not, I just want you to get it over with."
The whole class groaned and began doing the worksheet. Ward's pencil broke and he looked at Skye.
"Hey, do you have another pencil?"
"Yeah there's one in my bag."
Ward zipped open Skye's bag to see a couple pencils and her phone. Ward sighed. If I really want to know what's going's now or never. He grabbed her phone and tucked it into his jacket. Then he grabbed a pencil and kept doing his worksheet guiltily.


At lunch Skye started digging around desperately in her backpack for her phone.
"I can't find my phone!" Skye exclaimed nervously. "Ward can you call it?!"
"Uhh ummm my phone's dead," Ward stuttered.
Skye glared at him while continuing to dig through her bag. He looked away guiltily.


That night Ward slowly pulled out her phone from his leather jacket. This is it. This is the time where I find out where Skye's loyalty is. He opened up her phone to the text message with Bob. He began reading the thread, only to horrify himself.

Hey Skye!
Remember when we had that three day sleepover? And we watched that really scary movie, and we couldn't get to sleep the rest of the night because we were afraid zombies were going to eat us? That was so much fun. I feel like we never get to talk anymore because you're always with Ward. We need to hang out more.😁 Maybe we could go out for a lunch date on Saturday and then come back and hang out at my place?
- Bob

Yes! I remember that! Those were like the best nights ever lol!😂 Yes I would love to do that on Saturday. I don't have anything else planned. See you then!😘
- Skye

"I can't believe this!" Ward yelled and almost chucked Skye's phone across the room. "I can't even believe Skye would do this to me! How dare she! After all I've done for her!"
Anger infuriated him and boiled up underneath his skin as he paced around the room. Oh she's gonna get it tomorrow.


"Hey," Skye greeted and snuggled up underneath Ward's arm as he closed his locker door. "What's up?"
He ignored her and ripped his arm away from her. "Nothing," he grunted finally.
Skye stopped in the hallway and looked at him. "Okay Mr. Grumpy pants," she said and scoffed. "Somebody must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."
They kept walking to class and eventually sat down at their desks.
"I still can't find my phone," Skye told him.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Ward flat out lied.
Skye looked at him. Something's up.


Ward had been extremely rude to Skye and kept ignoring her all day. After school she decided to go over to his house to see what was wrong.
She knocked on his front door. "Ward?" She called. She waited a few minutes before knocking on it again. Nothing. She slowly turned the handle and opened the door.
"Ward....." She called again. There was silence.
She walked into his living room to see Alpha laying on the couch. He wagged his tail when he saw her.
"Hi boy," she said as he ran to her. She stroked his head.
Then he barked to her and ran towards the stairs. Skye looked at him, thinking, before following him. Maybe he knows something. She followed him up the stairs and to what looked like Ward's bedroom. She knocked on the door.
"Ward?" She knocked on the door again. "Ward are you in there? Okay, I'm coming in."
She slowly turned the handle and walked through. Alpha ran by her and leaped up on his bed. He started sniffing at his bedside table and looked at a phone laying facedown.
Skye glanced at it and then did a double take. "Hey, is that my phone?" She asked out loud.
She grabbed it from the stand and looked down at it. This is my phone!
"This whole time......" Skye muttered. "He had had it."
Alpha cocked his head as he looked up at her.
"Alpha!" A voice called from downstairs.
Skye jumped at the sound of Ward. Her eyes formed into a glare. "Come on Alpha. Let's go get him."
Alpha growled his response and leaped off the bed, following his owner faithfully.
"Ward!" Skye practically yelled from upstairs.
Ward looked up to see Skye on the balcony above him. "Skye?! What are y-"
"Why do you have my phone?!" She yelled, holding it up high and clear. She marched down the stairs. "All this time, while I've been searching desperately and helplessly looking for it, YOU'VE HAD IT?! WHY?!" She asked ferociously as she met him at the bottom of the stairs.
"Now just hang on a second!" Ward exclaimed. "The only reason I have it, is because YOU'VE been cheating on ME!"
Skye stared at him for a second. "What?!"
"OH DON'T TRY AND DENY IT!" Ward yelled, his voice raising. "I HAVE ALL THE TEXT MESSAGES RIGHT HERE!"
He ripped the phone out of her hands and pulled the text messages up.
"From who?!" Skye exclaimed, very confused.
"FROM BOB!" Ward yelled and shoved the bright screen in her face. "WHO IS BOB?! HUH?!"
"What? Bob?!" Skye asked and took the phone from him, and began scrolling through the texts. Then she turned to him with a huge glare. "Bob, as an abbreviation for, BOBBI!"
Ward looked at her, realizing how stupid and reckless he had just acted. It had all finally clicked. "Oh."
"Skye I'm sorry-"
Alpha barked his opinion. Skye started to storm out of the house but Ward grabbed her arm.
"Skye wait-"
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She commanded and escaped his grasp.
She unlocked her car as Ward followed her outside.
"Skye please wait, I'm so sorry-"
"I don't want to hear it," she told him and got in her car.
She drove away leaving Ward and Alpha standing on the driveway watching her go.


Skye sighed as she got text messages from Ward. I'm sorry I'm sorry blah blah blah. She kept getting ready for school, planning to ignore him all day. And that's exactly what she did. No matter how hard he tried to talk to her she just ignored him. At lunch she sat with Bobbi and Jemma, she walked to her classes with Lincoln, and after school she went straight to her car. At the end of the day though, she felt like she was missing something.


Skye parked on Ward's street and got out of her car. There he was, sitting in the back of his truck in the truck bed on his front lawn. He had a cooler filled with cold sodas. It's like he knew Skye was coming. Skye ignored the impulse to go and sit with him and enjoy spending time with him. She walked up his driveway and folded her arms. She stuck her head up high and glared at him.
"I'm here, to see Alpha."
Ward nodded, clearly amused. "Oh are you now."
"Yes," Skye replied, continuing to ignore the temptation to go sit next to him and enjoy a soda and a romantic moment. "I owe him an apology."
Ward raised his eyebrows and looked at her.
"For leaving him on bad terms," Skye finished. "He deserves better than that."
Ward stared at her for a long time. "Uhuh."
Skye looked back at Ward. He looks so handsome. And those that soda looks so refreshing. Uhhhh that spot next to Ward looks really welcoming. It just looks so relaxing. I need a relaxing moment. It's evening, the sun is setting, the weather is perfect. I miss Ward......
Ward looked at Skye ridiculously. He could totally read that she wanted to sit with him but was too proud.
"You sure you don't want to come hang with me instead?" He asked and pulled out her favorite soda, Sprite, from the cooler.
Skye looked at it as her mouth watered. Ward grinned as he watched Skye fight with herself. My plan is working.
Skye looked back at him, thinking. "Ugh, fine."
She walked over next to him as he handed her the bottle of soda. She hoisted herself up onto the truck bed and sat down next to him. She took a long gulp from her soda and then closed the bottle and set it down beside her. Ward looked at her. She looked away awkwardly.
"Skye," Ward said and took her hand. "I am sooooo sorry I stole your phone and blamed you for cheating on me. The whole reason I even thought that you were cheating on me is because when we went for ice cream you went to the bathroom and left your phone on the table. You got a text message from Bobbi, but it said Bob and it just sounded so much like it was your secret boyfriend or something."
Skye looked at him. "Seriously."
Ward nodded at he continued on. "And so at school when I took a pencil from your bag I also took your phone because I had to know, and then I kept on thinking it was this guy Bob and I got mad at you."
Skye sighed. "Ward, you can't just steal my phone."
"Hey if anything you should take it as a compliment," Ward said with a grin. "I mean, your overprotective boyfriend actually stole your phone to make sure nobody was hitting on you because I love you so much. And you mean the world to me."
Skye smiled, realizing that what he did was actually ridiculous and funny.
"Hey," he said as his grin grew and he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "I never did find out what you were doing in my room when you found your phone."
Skye laughed and hit him playfully. "Oh Ward!"
Ward pulled her even more closer to him. "Come on Skye tell me."
Skye smiled at him. "Alpha led me up there to find my phone."
Ward laughed. "Oh sure!"
They both laughed as he pulled her in for a kiss.
Skye smiled at him as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you so much."
Ward smiled back and kissed her on the forehead. "I love you more."
Skye looked up at him. "Don't even start that with me."
They both laughed. Then Alpha came barreling around the side of the house and stopped at the back of the truck. He looked up at them and barked, then started panting happily.
Skye smiled. "Hi Alpha!"
She laid down on the back of the truck so her head was hanging off the back and she was upside down. Alpha grinned and started licking her face.
She laughed. "Hi Alpha, how you doin'?"
She started scratching him. He smiled as she scratched and massaged him.
"Man, I wish I could get that kind of treatment," Ward said and grinned.
Skye smiled and sat back up as Alpha went to go stiff around in the grass.
"Well lay down," she ordered.
Ward laid down on the truck bed as Skye sat up above him and began scratching his head. Ward looked up at Skye gratefully. They had a moment of silence, just enjoying their time together. Ward finally sat up and wrapped his arm around Skye as she leaned against him. They both took a drink from their sodas.
"So," Ward said and looked down at her. "You busy tomorrow?"
Skye nodded. "Yeah I have that lunch date with Bobbi, as you already know."
Ward chuckled. "Can you come over after?"
Skye smiled. "Of course."
Ward grinned back. "Good. Because I miss you."
Skye laughed. "I'm right here."
Ward sighed and kissed her on the head. She wrapped her arms around him and leaned against him as they watched the sun set.

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