Night At the Movies

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(Not gonna lie... I actually have an IDEA for a story guys! And it's cute, I promise! Ok maybe too cute, this one is mainly fluffy, cheesy romance. Somewhat of a gift for myself. I haven't been feeling to great, and I love reading stuff like this.)

(Jessie's Point of View)

I didn't expect anything special to come out of this night.

Of course I didn't expect James to offer to take the whole team to the movies. We hardly have any money, so it must have been a gift of some sort.

And I didn't expect that when Meowth decided not to go, he and James were up to something, which I later found out that they indeed were.

So my partner and I went to the movies like normal people do. Not a date.

Part of the way through the movie though, things got a tad awkward. When he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I didn't mind, (well, I did, but I didn't say anything), but when he reached out to hold my hand, I pulled away, casting him an angry glare. But when I saw the disappointed and embarrassed look on his face as he turned away, I felt strangely guilty and reached out, grabbing his hand tightly and casting in his direction an awkward grin. He returned it with a smile and a blush before standing. "Um, how 'bout I go get us some popcorn, aye Jess?" James asked me while rocking back and forth on his feet and stuffing his hands in his pockets nervously.

"Why not? Erm... thanks James." I told him as he left and returned with a large container of popcorn and a cheeky grin on his face. We began to eat, him wrapping his arm around me again and looking at the movie screen with a red face.

While part of me wanted to end this awkwardness, part of me wanted to take it a bit farther... I had been feeling strange about my partner. And, based on this sudden burst of affection, I thoroughly believed he felt the same.

So while my instincts thought better of it, I raised my other hand, placed it on my companions chest and snuggled closer to him. He froze, glancing down at me with wide eyes and a red face, but I simply smirked and shifted closer. He sat back in his chair, actually smiling squeezing my hand affectionately. It felt strangely nice being this close to him...

We didn't talk or move for the rest of the movie, instead just watching the screen and strangely enough, enjoying the closeness between us. After the movie ended we both stood, walking hand in hand out of the theater and down the side walk back to camp. I remember the beautiful and al,oat magical way the city looked in the dark moonlight, and how high the tension was between myself and the blue haired man who was walking beside me, his hand wrapped around my own.

"Um... So... Didya have fun Jess?" He asked me as he stopped, kicking at the ground awkwardly and grinning shyly.

Smirking kindly, I stood up on my toes and delicately pecked my companions cheek with my lips. "Sure did James." I said softly, as I watched his face cover with a huge red blush.

"Erm... I-I'm Erm.... G-glad tha-" James had started to speak, but I cut him off, and pecked him with a kiss again, except this time, I had kissed right on the lips. I backed up with a smirk and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Come on, James. Let's just head back to camp, alright?" I told him quietly, taking the blushing man's hand again and darting back down the sidewalk, half dragging him as we went.

(I'm sorry it was short. Please forgive me. *cradles eevee plushie and looks sad*)

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