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"Reiji let me go, I have to go change out of this!" I said as he continued to drag me down the hall.

"Why exactly are you dressed like that anyway, Alexandria?" He snapped, looking back at me.

"Ember made me!" I growled at him and he rolled his eyes before as he continued to pull me along, stopping in front of a door to open it before shoving me in.

"How did Ember even accomplish that?" He snapped, going and sitting in his chair and looking at me with those magenta eyes.

"She threatened to burn my books..." I trailed off as I looked around his room, my eyes widening.

"You have so many!" I said quietly and I turned to see that he closed his eyes.

"To advance for the likes of you." He said and I crossed my arms.

"Are you really sure?" I asked him and he opened his eyes to look at me.

"Most definitely, and if you keep missing classes they will be extremely advanced." He said, pushing his glasses up while I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You told me to go to class after the mess was cleaned up and I ended up finding more. I cannot just leave such a nasty mess!" I snapped at him and he raised an eyebrow.

"You have obsessive compulsive disorder?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Badly." I told him before moving my hands down to my hips.

"That still doesn't give you a reason to skip class. It was bad enough that Ember got kicked out her first class and skipped hers also!" He snapped and glared at him once again.

"Je suis extrêmement intelligent vous remercie, je parie que je suis tout aussi intelligents que vous, vous l'homme peut-être même plus intelligent arrogant!" I snapped at him and he could only look at me with a shock expression as I stormed out and going to my room and changing into a pair of white shorts that say bite me across the butt and a black sports bra before walking back out and going across the hall to Ember's room, knocking on the door.

"Come in!" She yelled and I pushed to door open, my mouth dropping at the state of her room.

"Ember, your room!" I said as I looked around. Her clothes were hanging out of her wardrobe, some pieces hanging from the top of the door while the rest of her room was scattered with dirty clothing, candy wrappers, and crumpled up pop cans. Ember was currently laid out on her bed and I frowned when I realized that her blankets were messy and scattered everywhere, hanging partially off the bed. I forgot how messy she could be too! And she was always too lazy to clean up after herself.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure it's my room." She said and I glared at her as she slide off her bed for a moment, pulling her pants and tossing them to the ground before jumping back up onto her bed, sitting with her legs spread open and exposing her underwear to me. Her and her not liking to wear pants. I guess I'm lucky she wears at least underwear!

"It's filthy!" I exclaimed, ignoring her.

"I prefer the term homey. If you don't like it then clean it." She said as she fell back onto her back before flipping onto her stomach.

"I think I will." I said and she lifted her head before shrugging. I glared at her again before pulling out my Ipod and was getting ready to put my earbuds in when she spoke up again.

"No just use my dock, you are cleaning my room so I'll be okay. Plus I do like some of your music." She told me, smiling up at me.

"Okay" I said as I placed my ipod onto the dock. The first song to play was Lean On by Major Lazer and I began walking around, picking up her clothes off the floor and place them in her hamper, dancing slightly. As I went to gather up her trash, I saw that she had gotten up because she accidently knocked her pillow onto the ground and she couldn't reach it without getting off the bed. I sneaked up behind her and began dancing against her while she was bent over and she shot up, looking back at me for a moment before shrugging and dancing back against me. The song was soon over and Back it Up by Prince Royce began playing and we both let out a small giggle.

"What's this?" I heard Liato's voice ask from behind me and I turned my head around as he put his hands on my hips. I smirked slightly before scooting back toward him and began grinding against him, swiveling my hips on his groin.

"Oh little bitch, you are exciting me" He whispered in my ear. I turned my head forward when I noticed that Ember had begun leaning forward, twerking against me and I couldn't help but giggle and I decided to slap her butt, wanting to see her reaction.

"Oh my, getting frisky aren't we?" She said, turning her head and winking before bursting out laughing and I made a choking sound before I began laughing myself. Why am I not surprised?

"Who in the hell woke me up? What are you guys even...?" I heard Subaru snap before trailing off and turned my head to see him standing in the doorway, staring at us in shock. Ember suddenly pulled away from me before running over and yanked him in the room near her bed, turning and placing his hands on her hips as she backed up against him. I thought he was going to push her away but instead I saw him grip her hips slightly harder as she swung against him, grinding herself against him like I was with Liato. I turned my head away and went back to focusing on dancing, feeling Liato wrap his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him so I reached my arms up over my head and ran my fingers through his hair. My head turned back toward the door when I heard footsteps again and I saw a pissed of Ayato standing in the doorway. He stormed in, shoving Ember slightly as he walked over to me, causing Subaru to fall back on to her bed with her on top of him. She looked startled for a moment before shrugging, wiggling as she continued to dance in Subaru's lap. Ayato came up and pressed himself against me and began dancing so that I was now sandwiched between Liato and him. Liato didn't seem to mind and just laughed while I glared up at Ayato.

"You're hot when you're mad Mermaid." Ayato told me, smirking down at me.

"This is just irritated not mad... wait, did you just call me Mermaid?" I asked and he nodded, causing me to let out a huff as I continued glaring up at him.

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