1 - The document of, HEY GIVE THAT BACK!

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The assassin clambered up the wall of the factory. Her hands reaching for any small gap in the craftsmanship. She hauled herself up over onto the roof, landing silently on the opaque glass roofs.

She slithered like a snake across the roof of the warehouse. She reached a small opening on the roof and jumped down onto the iron beam near the roof.

Do not screw up. Get the plans out of the office. Kill the one in charge. Leave. Easy.
This is what the assassin thought as she used her eagal vision, scanning the area for Templars.


16 Templars a small number for a big warehouse and poorly guarded for the information that lay within.

A simple guard wandered beneath the beam, whistling to himself. That was the last song he whistled. The sound of the hidden blade snapping back into place was satisfying click, she pushed herself back onto her feet and lifted her hood back onto her head and went straight into a sneak position, hiding behind the nearest pillar.

She could see the office, a straight line from the pillar, if she could find a gap in the patrol. Five guards on the top floor, she waited a minute, checking for any flaws. A very small gap so she would have to be quick, with two guards on the left near the railing overlooking the ground floor and three around the stairs that led down to the lower levels.

She reached for her smoke bomb and tensed her arm about to throw, when a sudden flash blinded her.

A few seconds of white and then as her eyes readjusted to the light she saw all five of the guards, dead, motionless.
What? Who?

She took advantage of the situation and ran for the office, quietly though, like the assassin she was brought up to be. She entered the office, but what she saw brought frustration to her.

The office had already been ransacked, the desk was overturned, the drawers all pulled out and left discarded on the floor. Most importantly though, the man in charge, Sir John Huntsman, laying dead across the desk.
Who? Was all she was thinking. Another assassin perhaps? Or a rogue Templar?
At that moment she saw a figure on the roof of the other building.

The assassin leaped for the window like a tiger hunting a deer. Using her grappling hook to get to the other side of the street without touching the ground. She could see the thief leaping from roof to roof, with the ease of a professional.

The light from the setting sun blinded the assassin as she swung between roofs closing in on the thief. After playing cat and mouse for a while they ended up at the train station, one of the most visited places in London. The thief free-ran down onto the tracks and across and up to a platform, causing some chaos along the way. The assassin followed but as she starting crossing the tracks, a horn sounded, a god-dammed train was pulling in.

She was now sprinting as hard as she could to get up onto the platform, the thief was getting further away, the assassin lept up onto the platform ledge and hauled herself up but not before the incoming train whooshed pass her boots.

First, she mission had been ruined.
Second, the documents had been stolen by an unknown thief or rouge assassin.
And lastly, after losing the thief she nearly got mauled by a train.

Just to top things off the police were coming her way. Damm. The assassin ran for the hills, the sounds of the policemen yelling the sound of their whistles blowing, getting more distant the more she ran. Grappling her way up onto the roof of the train station. She ran over to the British Bank and scaled the beautiful marble building. She stood atop the Bank, the sun starting to set over the west.

The eagle soared above and around her as she stared at the road below where a police carriage went roaring pass. Seeing that she wouldn't get the document back for a little while, she headed back to padding-ton, to headquarters.

To Lee.

Hey!!! Thank you for reading this forst chapter!!! I promise the series will become a lot better. I am a novice writer and just want to share my ideas!!! I would love some feedback!! Thx xoxo

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