3 - Go away! I am quite happy being drunk thank you very much!

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The barkeep had never seen quite a sight.

The young maiden was practically begging the sailors who had recently come ashore to a fist fight. He had wanted to stop serving her drinks but once she passed over a rather large sum of money, he couldn't refuse. That of course had been about 2 months ago and the money was still allowing the barkeep to serve endless drinks to the maiden.

"Come on ya bunch of sea men! One of ya fight me!" the maiden yelled, her voice hoarse from the constant yelling.

She was practically dancing around the bar, stopping at each table to interrogate the men, shouting vulgar language. With a beer in one hand and her fist flinging around her, she looked like the perfect example of the alcoholics that lived outside the tavern.

She made her way around to one of the tables filled with a group of broody sailors. The ones that not even the police wanted to mess with.

"Ooooooh you lads look like ya want a fight! And look at those big swords you got!" Setting down the beer, she was now standing behind one of the sailors messing up his hair in a child-like manner.

Oh, was she about to get the biggest beating of her life.

The biggest sailor (the one she had been messing with) stood up from his stool and turned around to face her. He had a least 3 feet on her and about 30kg in muscles comapred to her skinny frame.

"Who do you think you are little lady?" He asked, Jev was his name.

"Finally! A worthy opponent for me!"

A quick as a bullet he brought his arm up to punch her face, she fainted to her right and he missed by a mile. She moved quickly, snatching an empty bottle from the table and smashing it against his head.

People had begun to crowd around making a small arena in the tavern. The crowd was shouting towards who they thought was going to win. Some even placing bets on their favourite.

The two fighters began circling each other, two bulls in a ring.

The sailor moved first, going head first for her torso. A mistake she thought, taking a single step to the side was enough for him to sailing past her and straight into a poor bar-goer.

"You know for your size I would have thought you would fight better." She said picking at the dirt under her nails.

The sailor had gotten himself up off the man and was looking slighty dazed. He shook his head to clear the fog and anger grew in place of the daze.

"You are going to regret saying that!" He screamed, voice hoarse. Taking a step and going for an undercut, she blocked it easily grabbing his wrist and shoving it back down; making it easy for her to bring her arm up and punch him square in the jaw.

He staggered, but not for long. He charged again at her but this time there was not enough room for her to step aside. So instead she jumped and as he came to connect with her body he instead hit her legs. This made her jump falter in the air but she landed, her back to him, without a stumble.

Who was this maiden? Who could be hindered whilst jumping and execut it perfectly. She was like...was like...an assassin.

The sailor was obviously outmatched, so the barkeep went to move around the bar and break the fight up when someone burst through the door.

"Alright everyone listen up!" It was an officer of  scotland yard. He was accompanied by another officer, the lad looked like a female, unfortunate.

Everyone froze where they were. The fighters dusted themselves off and turned to face the door. The officers moved further into the bar, people parted like the red sea.

"We are looking for a girl fitting the description of, 5'7", long brown hair, hazel eyes and her name is Sarah Frye. Anyone know her or seen her?" The maiden was staring at her feet taking glances at everyone around her. They had begun to stare, realising she fitted the description the officer had given.

"Ahhhh I see we have a fit." The male officer went over and tried to seize Sarah.

"No I don't want to go with you! I didn't do anything wrong!" Sarah was backing away but the crowd was keeping her from going far.

"Yes you did. Now please calmly come with us."

"No! Go away!"

"Please, you are drunk and are making a riot."

"Go away! I am quite happy being drunk thank you very much!" Sarah had to get out the world was spinning and well...she was just holding back the vomit.

"That's it, Evie help me out!" He began to wrestle with Sarah, ducking her flying legs. Evie came from the door and grabbed her legs and together they hauled Sarah out of the bar.


As the door shut behind them, Sarah tried to run away but failed when she slipped in questionable brown goop.

"Ugh...seriously was that necess..." At that moment the vomit she had been holding back practically exploded out of her.

"Well glad to meet you to." The male officer snapped.

"Jacob! Don't be so rude!" Evie whacked her brother on the arm. "Come on, let's go somewhere quieter."

Evie offered a helping hand to Sarah which she gladly took.

They moved into the alleyway across the street from the bar, passing men and women kissing passionately and dogs searching through old food and rubbish.

"So I guess you two aren't actual police officers?" Sarah asked crossing her arms in an attempt to look broody, but she probably looked more dead after throwing up.

"Good guess. No we aren't, we stole the uniforms off the officers out the back of the police station." Answered Jacob.

"Well what do you want?"

"We have information you might want to hear concerning Lee."

Sarah must have looked as shocked as she felt because Evie took control of the conversation.

"Before you freak out, no we are not with the Brotherhood but we know you are a rogue. We only serve the brotherhood because we need to be on good terms with them."

"Also, if we were you would probably be dead." Jacob intergected.

"Okay the why are you here? I am a free-lance assassin, a good one too, and don't think you want my services seen as you are assassin's."

"Well...you see...we have been searching for you because you are...are..." Evie was looking nervous.

"You are our half-sister, our father was also yours." Jacob was looking quite proud that he got to say that, and looked at Sarah hopefully but she did not feel the same. Instead she vomited what was left of the awful bar food and beer.

"Dammit! Why does this always happen! Remind me Evie to never eat bar food before a fight."

"I don't think you need reminding of that."

Heyyyyyyyy!! I am back. Back again! I am sorry it took me this long to write this chapter. I was so busy with two musicals to perform and work to do! I will endeavour to be more proactive but I can't promise. Please let me know what you think of this chapter. Also EVIE AND JACOB!!! So happy xoxoxo 😊 thx see ya next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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