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*days had past*
Riley POV
Its been a couple days since Lucas propose and we got some jobs again which is great

Bella: Riley

Riley: yes Bella

Bella: do you think its alright if I call you mommy

Riley: I don't know you have to ask your dad honey

Bella: ok but I need you to know I'm glad your going to be my mommy

Riley: me too

Lucas: *walks in* hey I'm going to the bakery to get some sandwichs i will be right back

Bella: ok daddy

Riley: alright

Lucas POV
I smile and leave I go to the bakery and I stand in line and I see a girl with pretty brown with some beautiful pink lips with tan skin..no Lucas you love Riley and your marrying her..a few minutes has past and I'm already taking the the sandwhichs home then I accidentally bump into someone I look and its the girl

???: I'm so sorry

Lucas: its alright

???: I'm Rosie

She puts her hand out and I shake it

Lucas: I'm Lucas

Then I let go of her hand

Rosie: sorry again for bumping into you

Lucas: its alright

Rosie: ok..so see you around

Lucas: yeah

Rosie: ok great

She smiles and walks away and I start walking to the other direction

Rosie POV
As I walk away I think about Lucas man isn't he hot I wonder if he's single but if he's taken then that girl isn't lucky cause Lucas will be mine cause I grew up with everything I want becomes mine

Lucas POV
I go back home and I see my beautiful future wife watching tv

Lucas: hey beautiful

Riley: hey

Lucas: where's Bella

Riley: she took a nap

Lucas: oh

I put the sandwhichs down and I sit next to Riley and I start kissing her neck

Riley: really...now

I pull away from her neck

Lucas: do you want me to stop

Riley: you know what no I actually enjoyed it

Lucas: good

I keep kissing her neck again and she let out a soft moan I pull away and I kiss her soft lips I get on top of her and we start making out

Bella POV
I'm asleep then I started dreaming
*in Bella's dream*
It looks like I woke up I get up and I go to my daddy and Riley but I don't see them I go outside and all I see is a dark alley I run back inside and I see my daddy with another lady I turn back and I see Riley with another man what's going on why are they apart then someone grabs me and pulls me to a car I start to cry then I see a light was I dieing I start crying louder
*end of dream*
I wake up crying loud then Riley and my daddy come running in

so now that we have Rosie is in the picture and Bella having bad dreams what do you think will happen now....mkay bye -Bethany

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