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Lucas POV
I toss and turn but I can't sleep I look at Riley who isn't facing me

Lucas: Riley?

Riley: yeah

I get closer to her and I kiss her neck she blushes I start sucking on her neck and she's moans a bit her moans are really cute I pull away from her neck and start kissing her shoulder then she turns over facing me and she kisses me and I kiss back I went a little deeper and I start kissing her with tounge I put my hands on her back to her ass and rubbed my hand up and down to her back to her ass again she moans in the kiss then she starts touching my abs which makes me moan

Bella POV
I look through the box and it has a letter and a picture of me and my daddy and Riley I open the letter but I can't really read I put it down and I just go back to coloring

Riley POV
Me and Lucas were moaning like crazy but not to loud then I got on top of him and pin him down then we pull away to take a breath

Lucas: wow some strength you have princess *winks*

Riley: yeah *smiles*

Lucas: you know I don't even feel sick anymore

Riley: yeah and my back isn't even hurting

Lucas: your kisses make me feel better

Riley: so did that medicine

Lucas: yes but your kisses were better

Riley: I know

A phone beeps and Lucas gets his phone and he checks it

Lucas: its my ma she said she's going to come and visit

Riley: when

Lucas: she will be here tomorrow

Riley: ok

Lucas: and when she gets here I can also ask her to take Bella out so me and you can have some alone time

Riley: I would love that

Lucas: ok good

Riley: hey I just remembered something

Lucas: that is

Riley: my old journal

Lucas: old journal

Riley: yeah I think its in the closet

I get off Lucas and he sits up and go to the closet and start looking for it then I finally found it

Riley: here it is

I sit next to Lucas and I open it

Lucas: what's in it

Riley: well let's see let's start the day we met

I look at the page and start reading

Riley: I went to the park for some air when I saw this really cute guy sitting across from me he looks at me and I put my head down

Lucas: right away you thought I was cute

Riley: yeah *blushes*

Lucas: let's see what else

He turns a page and see's the page where it I have been Bella's babysitter for a month and he starts to read

Lucas: it has already been a month since I met Bella and Lucas...Bella is so adorable and Lucas gets cuter everyday

I blush a lot and he kisses my cheek

Lucas: I also thought you got cuter everyday

Riley: aww

So its almost Christmas whoo I'm so excited lol but yeah hoped you liked the chap..ok byee -Bethany :)

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