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*later at night*
Lucas POV
It was 7:30 and I was getting pretty hungry

Lucas: hey riley I should grab us some sandwich's from the cafe

Riley: sure and grab me a ice coffee

Lucas: sure

Bella: be back soon daddy

Lucas: I will and please be safe

Riley: we will *kisses his cheek*

Lucas: good

I leave to the cafe.order 3 sandwich's with Riley's ice coffee of course. Then give me it and I start heading back to the house. I was walking until I saw ethan

Lucas: you *glares at him*

Ethan: what's up friar *smirks*

Lucas: you better stay away from riley and my kids

Ethan: don't worry lucas I don't want piper ,Austin or Bella I just want that sexy riley *smirks*

Lucas: you bitch

I push him into a alley and grab him by his shirt

Lucas: leave us alone

Ethan: not until I get what I want which is riley

Lucas: fuck you

I push him to a trash can. He falls but gets up

Ethan: okay friar let's do this crap

He pushes my face blood starts coming out of my lip. I punch his stomach and he grunts in pain. He pushes me down and kicks my stomach I groan and I hear a car oh crap it's the police

Cop: you two come with me

I get up and he cop puts handcuffs on us. Another cop pushes us in the car.

Riley POV
Lucas shouldn't even take this long I wonder what happen , I pick up my phone and called him

Lucas POV
My phone rings and I can't answer it. Stupid handcuffs

Cop: who would be calling you sir?

Lucas: I think it would be my fiancé riley

Cop: oh so you have a fiance any kids?

Lucas: Bella who's 6 and Austin and piper who were born this year

Cop: sounds like a wonderful family

Lucas: it is until this jerk ruined everything

Cop: give us the details when we get to the jail

Riley POV
I called 3 times no answer I'm getting really worried

Bella: why is my daddy taking so long

Riley: I don't know bella

Bella: we should go look for him

Riley: I guess your right lets go get piper and Austin

Bella: okay

We go to my room and get piper and Austin

Riley: okay let's go find lucas

Lucas POV
We get to the jail and I explained everything to the cops

Cop: okay well seems fair enough. I mean if someone did that too my wife I would probably wanna beat there ass too. Just call your fiancé to pick you up and to sign you out

Lucas: okay but what about ethan

Cop: were going to keep him for the night but you just stay away from trouble

Lucas: sounds good and I will

I grab my phone and call riley

Riley: lucas where are you? Me and the kids are in the car looking for ypu

Lucas: I'm in jail

Riley: jail? What did ethan do

Lucas: I will explain to you later just get here

Riley: I'm going just hold on

Lucas: okay bye

Riley: bye

I hang up and wait for riley

Riley POV
I get to the jail. I grab the twins and put them in the stroller then bella gets out and we go inside

Lucas: riley

Riley: lucas

He hugs me , I hug back and we pull away

Riley: you got a black eye

Lucas: I'm fine

Cop: riley?

Riley: that's me

Cop: come with me

Riley: um sure watch the kids

Lucas: I will

I go with the cop. After 10 minutes lucas is free and we go back home

Riley: can't believe ethan said that

Lucas: I know but hey he wasn't wrong on that Riley sexy part *smirks*

Riley: really?

Lucas: really

He kisses me and I kiss back

Long chap sorry I'm tired its 11:27 pm I'm going to sleep ILY GUYS byee -Bethany :)

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