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*2 weeks later*

Lucas POV
Its been 2 weeks since me and riley broke up. I haven't been interested to date anyone. Bella hasn't stopped being sad of our break up. But I don't really talk to Riley that much only when I drop off the twins and bella to her apartment.

Riley POV
2 weeks since we broke up. I have tried to move on but I can't. I live in my own apartment and I work at a Victoria secret and a bakery so its not all bad. I hear someone knock, I open the door , its lucas

Lucas: hey

Riley: hi

He brings in the twins and bella comes in.

Riley: hey bella

Bella: hi riley

She frowns

Riley: what's wrong?

Bella: since you and my daddy broke up, I can't call you my mommy.

Riley: bella its going to be okay. No matter what I'll will always be there for you.

She smiles

Bella: okay riley

Lucas: I better go

Riley: yeah. Have a great day at work lucas

Lucas: I will

He smiles , I smile back. He kisses bellas head and the twins cheeks

Lucas: I love you bella , piper and austin bye

Riley: bye

He closes the door as he leaves to work

Bella: Riley?

Riley: yeah?

Bella: Do you still love my daddy?

Riley: I- um I don't know bella it just seemed we needed a break. But no matter what i will always love you and the twins

Bella: okay

She frowns

Riley: how about i put cuddle bunnies for you

Bella: yay!

I put on cuddle bunnies on , bella sits on the couch and watches cuddle bunnies

Lucas POV
As I drive to work, My phone turns on , I see my wallpaper which is me and riley hugging. I never changed it but why would I? I still love riley no matter what.

Riley POV
As bella watches the tv and the twins are asleep. I grab my old journal, I turn to the page where me and lucas went on our first date.

Me and lucas had our first date , We kissed it was all sparks but of course missy was coming back to them but all I know is I will always love lucas , He the perfect guy a girl can dream. Whatever girl gets to have him as a boyfriend , Husband or the father of there children is the luckiest girl in the world.
*End of paragraph*

Tears came out. I can't believe i wrote that. I must really love lucas.


Its 9:30 lucas should be on his way for the kids. I hear a knock on the door. I open the door and its lucas

Lucas: Hey I'm back for the kids

Riley: Right.

I grab the twins bag then i hand it to lucas.

Bella: Daddy!

Lucas: Hey sweetie

Riley: I'll go get austin and piper

Lucas: Let me help you with that

We go in my bedroom, I grab austin as lucas grabs piper , My ear ring drops. We both bend down to grab it and our hands touch.

Hoped you enjoy this chap :) I was actually sad typing this chap :( but i already starts on chap 57 :) K ily guys :) byee -Bethany :)

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