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We spent the entire morning and wasted most of our time into the afternoon sitting on the motel bed and catching up. Evan told me all about his family trip to Japan; how his primary school language lessons actually came into use, how his dad lived on a sushi and miso soup diet, and how his mum bought every beauty product she could in hopes of becoming as young and radiant as all the Japanese women in their fifties. He told me he loved it, but despite being amazed by the robots and latest gadgets, the small meal portions and raw fish and rice with every meal weren't really his cup of tea.

"I don't think I saw the sun." I laugh as I lay on my back, letting my head hang from the edge of the bed, staring at the opposite wall and small set of drawers with a vase of sunflowers. My favourite. "There are so many buildings and smoke." He stops as he laughs to himself. "Dad actually bought one of those mask things." I tilt my head up to see him motioning a surgical mask on his face with his hands. "He wanted to fit in." I laugh more, as I drop my head back down.

"Did they go to Sydney with you?" I speak a little louder with my head upside down.

"Nah, they went straight to Adelaide. Dad had to get back to work."

"When did you get back?" I bring my neck back up and sit up cross legged. "To Sydney." I clarify.

"Two days ago." Evan sits up from leaning against the headboard and mimics my sitting position. "How was your holiday?" I shrug as I pick at the comforter.

"The usual."

"Lying on the floor and eating ice cream." He cranes his neck up to stare at the ceiling fan as a smile forms on his lips. I gaze up at the slowly spinning fan, closing my eyes as the light breeze blows against the reddening and sensitive skin of my burnt cheeks. "You know," Evan speaks, "When I think of summer, I think of that."

"Yeah." I nod my head in agreement. So do I.

"Lying on the floor and eating ice cream." He repeats it, gazing at me with a lazily yet thoughtful grin. I smile as I reminisce the summers we spent doing just that all day long, on my lounge room floor. "And Albi." I let out a soft laugh. Evan loves Albi, and Albi loves him. I guess you could say Albi was mum and Evan's pet. "How is he?"

"Fat." I say. Evan laughs as I swing my legs off the bed and stand. I walk over to the balcony and stare out at the view through the glass door.

"How's the view?" Evan calls.

"Alright." I hear him stand and pad over to stand beside me.

"That's shit." We stare out at the lower zinc roofing of the car park and the surrounding houses. We can see the main road and a few lanky grey buildings shadowing over the dense city, but that's it, nothing interesting or special.

"Yeah." I step back and stare around his room.

"When are we going to your place?"


"Dibs driving."

"Whatever." I drag my feet along the carpet, back to the edge of his bed to slip on my sandals as Evan walks past me in his Vans. I take my bag and grab the keys from inside as I head to the door. "Come on." I open the door and step out.

"Here." I turn around to Evan with a single sunflower in his hand, as he closes the door behind him. He holds out the sunflower to me with a smile. "I got you a souvenir, but it's in my bag."

"Thanks." I take the flower and follow him down the hall to the elevator. I fiddle softly with the large yellow petals and the long, stem that's dripping small droplets of water from the vase. "You shouldn't have." My voice is laced with joking sarcasm as his impromptu gift. It's the thought that counts. 

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