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"Hana!" I stop at the sound of my name and turn back to the University campus entrance. There's barely anyone behind and most definitely no one I know or knows me. I frown slightly and turn back to the main street, my trainers skidding against the leaves covering the pavement of the footpath.

"Hey!" Frowning slightly deeper, I turn, but don't stop walking. Amongst the bustle of everyone moving off campus and pedestrians just walking along, I can't make out anyone or if in fact that 'hey' was directed to me. I decide that it wasn't and continue to try and weave my way out of the bustle of people on the footpath. I walk slower and let them get ahead of me, to walk peacefully back to my apartment and not be nudged and pushed every second step.

"Hi." I turn abruptly as Noah falls into step beside me, his words coming out in a huff as his chest rises and falls. It occurs to me as I face him that I haven't seen him in what feels like a while and now that I do see him and am with him walking as we used at the start of the year, that I've missed his company.

"Hey." I smile as the wind blows and my scarf billows to my side and over my shoulder. I watch as Noah watches it rest gently and then follows it up to my face.

"Thought you were ignoring me there." He gives me a smile. The one that makes the corners of his eyes crease and laugh lines to appear- and the one that's completely contagious. Noah bends his head and lets his hair hang down and runs his hand through a couple of times before pushing it to the side and straightening up.

"I didn't see you." I start walking with Noah, though I keep my eyes on the ground and walk as my trainers and his Dunlop Volleys skid and crunch at the crisp autumnal leaves.

"I'll give you the benefit of my doubt." I laugh lightly as does he as we continue to leave a trail of scattered leaf pieces in our wake. After a few moments Noah asks, "What've you been up to?"

"Nothing really." I shrug and shift my gaze between my feet and the path ahead. As I do, I can feel Noah turn his head to glance at me.

"Now that's a lie." His voice carries humour that's dispersed almost instantly as it leaves his mouth, by the wind. I face him hesitantly and look away as soon as I do. "I'm one hundred percent confident that you've done something."

"What makes you so sure?"

"For one, you were at Uni."

"That's a given, I always go."

"You could've been sick or bludging." He gives me lopsided grin that can easily be taken as a smirk and ruffles his hair.

"I wasn't."

"Which means you were doing something." I shake my head as I try to avoid smiling. Noah's inquisitive nature remains as is, and despite still working at not getting annoyed, I still am a tad bit frustrated at his persistence.

"I've been studying." I say shortly.

"So have I." He mimics my brief response.

"I spoke to my parents."

"So did I."

"My mum's coming to visit."

"Cool." I notice that he's dropped agreeing on what I've been saying and I smile to myself.

"Yeah." I kick gently at a small twig in my way and watch as it spins ahead before slowly coming to a stop a few feet in front.

"When?" Noah kicks the stick next, sending it flying off the footpath and into the gutter, where dry leaves have accumulated.

"Monday." I let out a warm breath and watch as it escapes my mouth in a wisp of white fog. From my side I feel Noah watching and I turn to him. He gives me a curious look, one that I respond to by raising my eyebrows.

The Essence of Noah (Muslim story)Where stories live. Discover now