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"How's it going?"

"Me or my aimless existence?" I shake my head and scoff at Evan's lethargic response on the line.

"A subtle 'good' would have sufficed."

"It would've also been a lie."

"Why the sudden pessimism?" I laugh lightly into the speaker as I hear Evan huff. "Life without school not shaping up how you thought it would?"

"I think a more appropriate question would be how is school shaping up without me?" Through the line his silent humour is received clearly.

"You're full of it."

"Whatever." The line goes silent momentarily, with only the sound of our regulated breathing dusting against the speakers. Out of sheer boredom and my see-saw tilting towards loneliness, I decided to call Evan and see how he's been going since getting back to Adelaide.

"So what's up?" I nibble on my lower lip as I run my fingers through the knots in my hair.

"Squat. Absolute squat." I can just imagine him rubbing his face harshly and running a hand through his hair. "Did you know South Australia has the worst job employment rates in the country."

"Really." My tone comes out laced in sarcasm and slight disinterest but I maintain the conversation.

"You may not give a shit now, but don't come back here looking for a job after you graduate." That strikes a chord and suddenly my interest peaks. "Almost eight percent of Adelaidian's over fifteen are unemployed."


"For Pete's sake Hana, are you even listening?"

"I am!"

"Our state is literally going to be a dump; a radioactive dump."

"Mum told me about it."

"It's a freakin' joke. They build what's supposed to be the most advanced hospital in the world, right, but then they give the green light for other countries to dump nuclear waste in practically the same place!" Through the line Evan's tone is getting louder and more furious. "I mean, have we learnt nothing from the Hiroshima bombing! For decades after the nuclear bomb, people were still dying from leeching radiation."


"I swear we're all going to be a mass of walking tumours if this plan goes ahead. Mark my bloody words."

"So since moving back to Adelaide all you've done is investigate political plans?" I can't help the subtle laugh in my voice as I speak, at Evan's reaction.

"I don't know why I bother with you."

"I'm kidding!" I laugh louder this time, though it's cut short as my fingers tangle in a knot in my hair and tug at my roots.

"Whatever." I clamp my teeth together as I tug fiercely at the knot and pull it out; mums' words echo in my head as I see the tiniest ball of hair between my fingers.

"But seriously, how's work going?"

"I'm thinking of starting a website, you know, something to promote myself with."


"Yeah, in the meantime I'm working with dad in the shop." I've only ever been to Evan's dad shop once before and that was when he offered to service my car free of charge a few summers back. It's a small but humble place with cars of all models covering the entrance and a stringent scent of grease and metal sticking on anything within a five metre radius.

"Like you know about cars."

"I know more than you."

"You don't even know what model mine is."

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